This process should be binded to .Flow v2 instruction $spellcheck inside /engine/dotflow2/extensions/ file
It will expect one mandatory argument with a string with the text to be spell-checked and an optional second argument with a list of expected words to narrow the spell correction.
Expected response:
$ BBOT_ENV=development python -m joe testbot 1 nodebug
You: :df2 spellcheck("I'm asd")
Testbot: I'm sad
You :df2 spellcheck("I'm asd", ["asd", "etc"])
Testbot: I'm asd
Note in the second example "asd" was not corrected to "sad" because "asd" is an expected string
This process should be binded to .Flow v2 instruction $spellcheck inside /engine/dotflow2/extensions/ file
It will expect one mandatory argument with a string with the text to be spell-checked and an optional second argument with a list of expected words to narrow the spell correction.
Expected response:
Note in the second example "asd" was not corrected to "sad" because "asd" is an expected string