SeedVault / rhizome

conversational bot engine created by Botanic/SEED team
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bot bot-framework bot-platform conversational conversational-bots nlp

Rhizome bot engine


Rhizome is a conversational bot engine created by Botanic/SEED team that uses .Bot specification to define a conversational bot and runs .Flow intermediate language to determine the flow of the conversation.

Part of the SEED token project. This is a sneak preview - there is more to come. See the Wiki for more information.



Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



pipenv shell
cd docker && docker exec -it docker_mongo_1 bash /seed/ rhizomedb && cd ..

Note: If you have issues with pipenv install try this:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+

Note: If you have issues with pip install try this:

python3 -m pip install pipenv

Running console channel

BBOT_ENV=development python -m <userId> <botIdOrName> <orgId> debug|nodebug

userId: Any alphanumeric ID to identify yourself.\ botIdOrName: The bot ID or bot name you want to run. You can find this in dotbot collection in mongo database\ orgId: Organization ID (not supported yet).\ debug|nodebug: debug will show the raw json object returned by the bot engine. nodebug will just show text.

Try the included demo bot with:

BBOT_ENV=development python -m joe testbot 1 debug

Running a RESTful web server and a simple chatbot web widget (plain text only)

BBOT_ENV=development gunicorn "" -b localhost:5000 --reload

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000/TestWebChatBot

Running Telegram channel

Run this first to set Telegram web-hooks of all bots with Telegram channel enabled in its .Bot configuration.

BBOT_ENV=development python -m channels.telegram.webhooks_check

This runs the Telegram web-hook server on port 5001. Be sure to configure a reverse-proxy server to listen to the Telegram web-hooks properly.

BBOT_ENV=development gunicorn "" -b localhost:5001 --reload

Running Dot Repository server

This is a RESTful server used to access .Bot and .Flow databases by Greenhouse and Dandelion.

BBOT_ENV=development gunicorn "dot_repository.api:app" -b localhost:8000 --reload


These files are made available to you on an as-is and restricted basis, and may only be redistributed or sold to any third party as expressly indicated in the Terms of Use for Seed Vault.

About the SEED Token Project

SEED democratizes AI by offering an open and independent alternative to the monopolies of a few large corporations that currently control conversational user interfaces (CUIs) and AI technologies. SEED's licensed, monetized open-source platform for bots on blockchain supports collaboration and creative compensation that will exceed the proprietary deployments from industry giants. We are also giving users back control of their personal data. Find out more about the SEED Token project at See the Connect section at the end for contact info.



Feel free to throw general questions regarding SEED and what to expect in the following months here on GitHub (or GitLab) at @consiliera ( :sunny:

Connect with us elsewhere

Seed Vault Code (c) Botanic Technologies, Inc. Used under license.