Seeed-Studio / Seeed_Arduino_IRSendRev

This library provides sample codes for infrared encoding and decoding.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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IRremote Arduino Library

Available as Arduino library "IRremote"

Version 2.6.0

License: GPL v2 Installation instructions Join the chat at LibraryBuild

This library enables you to send and receive using infra-red signals on an Arduino.

Tutorials and more information will be made available on the official homepage.


Click on the LibraryManager badge above to see the instructions.


Supported IR Protocols

Aiwa, BoseWave, Denon, Dish, JVC, Lego, LG, MagiQuest, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, RC5, RC6, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, Whynter, (Pronto).

Handling unknown Protocols


This library was never designed to handle long codes like the ones used by air conditioners. See Recording long Infrared Remote control signals with Arduino.
The main reason is, that it was designed to fit inside MCUs with relatively low levels of resources and was intended to work as a library together with other applications which also require some resources of the MCU to operate.

If you do not know which protocol your IR transmitter uses, you have several choices.

Supported Boards

We are open to suggestions for adding support to new boards, however we highly recommend you contact your supplier first and ask them to provide support from their side.

Hardware specifications

The timer and the pin usage can be adjusted in IRremoteBoardDefs.h

Board/CPU IR-Receive Pin Timers
ATtiny84 6 1
ATtiny85 1 TINY0
ATmega8 9 1
ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 3, 9 1, 2
ATmega1284 13, 14, 6 1, 2, 3
ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644 13, 14 1, 2
ATmega8535 ATmega16, ATmega32 13 1
ATmega64, ATmega128, ATmega1281, ATmega2561 13 1
ATmega8515, ATmega162 13 1
ATmega1280, ATmega2560 5, 6, 9, 11, 46 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ATmega4809 5, 6, 9, 11, 46 TCB0
Leonardo (Atmega32u4) 5, 9, 13 1, 3, 4_HS
ESP32 4, all pins 1
Sparkfun Pro Micro 5, 9, 13 1, 3, 4_HS
Teensy 1.0 17 1
Teensy 2.0 9, 10, 14 1, 3, 4_HS
Teensy++ 1.0 / 2.0 1, 16, 25 1, 2, 3
Teensy 3.0 / 3.1 5 CMT
Teensy-LC 16 TPM1


Revision History

Please see

API documentation

This project documents the library API using Doxygen. It is planned to make generated and up-to-date API documentation available online.

To generate the API documentation, Doxygen, as well as Graphviz should be installed. (Note that on Windows, it may be necessary to add the Graphviz binary directory (something like C:\Program Files\Graphviz2.38\bin) to the PATH variable manually.) With Doxygen and Graphviz installed, issue the command doxygen from the command line in the main project directory, which will generate the API documentation in HTML format. The just generated api-doc/index.html can now be opened in a browser.


If you want to contribute to this project:

Check here for some guidelines.


Email: Please only email me if it is more appropriate than creating an Issue / PR. I will not respond to requests for adding support for particular boards, unless of course you are the creator of the board and would like to cooperate on the project. I will also ignore any emails asking me to tell you how to implement your ideas. However, if you have a private inquiry that you would only apply to you and you would prefer it to be via email, by all means.


Check here


Copyright 2009-2012 Ken Shirriff Copyright (c) 2016 Rafi Khan