Seemavij / Resturant_Booking

0 stars 1 forks source link

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Delhi Darbar :

Opening Time :

Get in Touch!

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Opening Hours

       * Monday        ------------------         08:00 - 23:00

          * Tuesday      -------------------          08:00 - 23:00

              * Wednesday     ------------------         08:00 - 23:00     

                    * Thursday      -------------------        08:00 - 23:00

                               * Friday        -------------------         08:00 - 23:00

                                         * Saturday      --------------------        08:00 - 23:00

                                                     * Sunday        --------------------         08:00 - 23:00

Find Us 786 Greenwood Avenue

St. peter street Limrick Mall

County Limrick


Contact Us

+353 85 666 333


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Imagery is used regarding restaurant environment and food content on the website. They are taken from various websites, which are credited down below in the Credits section.

Wireframes :

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Typography :

. I have imported the following Google Fonts:

. Playfair Display 400, 500 for headings on the website.

. Open Sans 300, 400, 600 for the body text on the website.

. The webpage consists of a Homepage, Menu page, Booking page, Manage Booking page, Login page, Signup page and Logout page.

. A responsive navigation bar:

. The name of the restaurant is positioned on the left-hand side with the logo on the right of it. Both link to Home Page.

. The other navigation links are located on the right-hand side.

. The colour is a shade of light green.

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. When user is not logged in, the dropdown menu links include link to Sign Up and Login.

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Local Development :

1 Navigate to project repository.

2 Click on "Fork" in the top right corner.

3 Under "Owner," select the dropdown menu and click on owner for the forked repository.

4 To change the name of repo, enter a new name.

5 Enter description(optional).

6 Choose which branches to include.

7 Click "Create Fork".

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How to Clone

1 Navigate to project repository.

2 Click on the button Code next to the Gitpod button.

3 Choose between HTTPS, SSH and GitHub CLI and copy the link.

4 Open Git Bash.

5 Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

Code Used

. Django Documentation

. Bootstrap 5.3

. W3Schools

. Stackoverflow

. Hello Django Walkthorugh Project

. I think therefore I blog Walkthorugh Project.

. Django Allauth - used as reference when creating account authorisation.

. Maharaja Resturant - used for general reference, ideas and logic throughout the project.

. Youtube - used as a reference when creating the menu.

. Django Tutorial - used as reference for creating set times on the reservation form.

. sina's Repository - used as reference for update and delete modal

. Kera Cudmore's sample readme - used when creating and

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. Confirm all files tested no errors

. Confirm index.html working

. Confirm Menu.html working

. Confirm Manage Reservation working

. Confirm Edit Reservation working

. W3C Validator

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. W3C was used to validate all HTML code used in this project. It was also used to validate CSS.

. Home Page - No errors

. Menu Page - No errors

. Login Page - No errors

. Signup Page - No errors

. Booking Page - No errors

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. Manage Booking Page - No errors

. Update Booking Page - No errors

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. Logout Page - No errors

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. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors, except "line too long errors"

. - No errors

. - No errors

. - No errors

. Lighthouse was used to test the overall performance and accessibility, which both mentioned returned a very high rating.

. Home Page

. Menu Page

. Signup Page

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. Login Page

. Booking Page

. Manage Booking Page

.Update Booking Page

. Logout Page

. The website was tested on a Windows Laptop and while in the inspect-mode on Google Chrome also tested on different available devices. It is fully responsive.

. The Homepage is the landing page of the website, where a user lands first when opening the url. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. Between the user can find a small about section with an image of the interior of the restaurant, a gallery section to view some of the dishes, the decoration and atmosphere of the restaurant. Below is the essential information section, where the user can find the location, opening times and contact details.

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. Logout Page :

. The Logout Booking page can be reached via the dropdown menu once the user has logged in.

. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. The user is asked to confirm if they want to sign out. If user proceeds, they will be directed to the landing page.

. A message will pop up to let them know that they have logged out successfully. Logout Page

. The footer contains the social media icons of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, which open all in a new tab when clicked on.

. It also contains the copyright with the current year.

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. The Signup page can be reached via the dropdown link from the navbar. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. The user will be prompted with a Signup form, to enter their username, email(optional), password and confirm password. If they have already an account, they can reach the Login page via the link just at the top of the Signup form. Only valid input is allowed and user must click Signup button to proceed with registering. Once completed the user will be redirected to the landing page and a message will pop up that user has signed up successfully.

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. The Login page can be reached via the dropdown link from the navbar. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. The user will be prompted with a Login form, to enter their username and password, which they have created an account with. If they have not yet created an account the can reach the Signup page via the link just at the top of the Login form. As only valid input is allowed, a message will pop up that login was unsuccessful if user has entered incorrect details. User must click Log In button to log in. Once completed the user will be redirected to the landing page and message will pop up that user is logged in.

. The Reservation page can be reached via the navbar once the user has logged in. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. The user will be prompted with a Booking form, to select the number of guests, their name, phone number, preferred date and time. To fullfill the reservation they have to confirm by clicking the "Make reservation" button. If there was any non-valid input, a message will pop up that reservation was unsuccessful and the user will be asked to re-enter the details before they can proceed. Once reservation is complete the user will be redirected to the Manage Reservation page and a message will pop up that reservation was successful.

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. The Manage Reservation page can be reached via the dropdown menu once the user has logged in. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. It displays any existing reservation to the user, that were made by them. Information containing the reservation name, date & time of reservation and the number of the attending guests. The user has also the possibilty to update and delete their reservation.

. By clicking on "Edit", the user lands on edit_reservation.html where they can updated their reservation. It is the same reservation form used for booking a table, but with details already filled in, from when the reservation was made. The user is able to make any adjustments and once happy can confirm their reservation by "Update Reservation". If there was any non-valid input, a message will pop up that update was unsuccessful and the user will be asked to re-enter the details.

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. The Logout Reservation page can be reached via the dropdown menu once the user has logged in. It contains the navbar at the top and footer at the bottom. The user is asked to confirm if they want to sign out. If user proceeds, they will be directed to the landing page. A message will pop up to let them know that they have logged out successfully. Logout Page

. Future features that could be implemented on the website could include being able to add reviews and view reviews of other customers. Another implementation could be an online ordering system.

. For better accessibility I added alt-labels to all my images for vision-impaired users. Accessibilty was also tested on lighthouse, which reached a very high score on every testing.

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. Languages Used


. Python


. JavaScript

. Frameworks, Libraries & Programs Used

. Django - Main python framework used for this project.

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. ElephantSQL - Stores database for this project.

. Heroku - Cloud-based platform used to deploy this project.

. Bootstrap 5.3 - CSS styling used for decorating HTML content.

. Github - Used for version control and agile development progress.

. Gitpod - Used as cloud-development platform.

. Google Fonts - Used for imported fonts for this project.

. Am I responsive - Used to check if website is fully responsive.

. PEP8 - Used to validate python code.

. W3C - Used to validate HTML and CSS.

. Favicon - Used to create Favicon for this project.

. Cloudinary - Used to store website images of this project on a cloud-platform.

. Figma - Used to design wireframes.

. Font Awesome - Used for icons.

. Coolors - Used to create colour palette.

. Tiny JPG - Used to convert images.

. Cloud Convert - Used to convert images.

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. This project was created by using Gitpod. I used the pre-built template from Code Institute. The following commands were used:

. git add . - to add all the changes.

. git commit -m "..." - to commit all the changes to the local repository.

. git push - to push the committed changes to the GitHub repository.

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In the Terminal:

. Install Django and gunicorn.(pip3 install 'django<4' gunicorn)

. Install supporting libraries.(pip3 install dj_database_url==0.5.0 psycopg2)

. Install Cloudinary Libraries. (pip3 install dj3-cloudinary-storage)

. Create requirements file.(pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt)

. Create Project.(django-admin startproject PROJ_NAME .)

. Create App.(python3 startapp APP_NAME)

. Add to installed apps.('APP_NAME')

. In the Terminal

. Migrate Changes.(python3 migrate)

. Run Server to Test.(python3 runserver)

. Log in to your ElephantSQL account.

. Click “Create New Instance”.

. Set up your plan.

. Click “Select Region”.

. Click “Review”.

. Return to the ElephantSQL dashboard and click on the database instance name for this project.

. Copy your ElephantSQL database URL using the Copy icon. It will start with postgres:// .

. Create new Heroku App.

. Open the settings tab.

. Click Reveal Config Vars.

. Add a Config Var called DATABASE_URL and add ElephantSQL database url.

. Create new file on top level directory.

. In

. Import os library.

. Set environment variables.

. Add in secret key.

. On

$ Add Secret Key to Config Vars, (SECRET_KEY)

. Reference

. Remove the insecure secret key and replace.(os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY'))

. Comment out the old DataBases Section.

. Add new DATABASES Section. (dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")))

. Save all files and Make Migrations.

. On :

. Copy your CLOUDINARY_URL from Clouinary Dashboard.

. In

. Add Cloudinary URL to

. Add Cloudinary URL to Heroku Config Vars.(CLOUDINARY_URL)

. Add DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC to Heroku Config Vars. (value = 1)

. Add Cloudinary Libraries to installed apps. ('cloudinary_storage', 'cloudinary',)

. Tell Django to use Cloudinary to store media and static files.

. Link file to the templates directory in Heroku.(TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'))

. Change the templates directory to TEMPLATES_DIR.

. Add Heroku Hostname to ALLOWED_HOSTS. ("", "localhost")

. Create a Procfile on the top level directory.

. In Procfile:

. Add web: gunicorn PROJ_NAME.wsgi.

. Set DEBUG = False in the

. On Heroku select "GitHub" as Deploment Method and connect to your GitHub and the repository you want to upload.

. Choose between automatic/manual deploy option.

. After app was successfully deployed, click the "View" button to view the deployed live site.

. How to Fork

. Navigate to project repository.

. Click on "Fork" in the top right corner.

. Under "Owner," select the dropdown menu and click on owner for the forked repository.

. To change the name of repo, enter a new name.

. Enter description(optional).

. Choose which branches to include.

. Click "Create Fork".

. Navigate to project repository.

. Click on the button Code next to the Gitpod button.

. Choose between HTTPS, SSH and GitHub CLI and copy the link.

. Open Git Bash.

. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

. Testing

. Please find the carried out testing on

. Code Used

. Django Documentation

. Bootstrap 5.3

. W3Schools

. Stackoverflow

. Hello Django Walkthorugh Project

. I think therefore I blog Walkthorugh Project

. Django Allauth - used as reference when creating account authorisation.

. Maharaja Resturant - used for general reference, ideas and logic throughout the project.

. Youtube - used as a reference when creating the menu.

. Django Tutorial - used as reference for creating set times on the booking form.

. sina's Repository - used as reference for update and delete modal

. Kera Cudmore's sample readme - used when creating and

The Menu content was created from delhi darbar website and my own creations.

. The images were downloaded from Pexels and Unsplash.

. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to tutor, for his invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and endless patience throughout the entire project.

. Additionally, I would like to extend a special thanks to the Tutoring Team at Code Institute, who provided continuous assistance whenever I encountered challenges, as well as the exceptional Slack Community, whose members were always ready to lend a helping hand.

. I am truly grateful to all of you for your invaluable guidance and support throughout this project!

. Code Institute For the Code Institute course material in html and CSS and Python for the Slack community members for their support and help. My Code Institue tutor who inspired me to push myself further.

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