Seeneva / seeneva-reader-android

A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android.
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Importing a CBR results in incomplete file #11

Open ShahabJafri opened 3 years ago

ShahabJafri commented 3 years ago

Hi, When importing the attached file to Seeneva, the comic starts from page no 19 and has only 3 pages. The file opens fine in Moon Reader+.

Speech bubbles are shown correctly.

Link to file:!Aqq2rQyjFtf7zVabvTj6ThNZCJG7

Zellius commented 3 years ago

@ShahabJafri Hi! Thanks for providing the comic book file. I'll look into the issue.

marcelmu commented 8 months ago

Is there any update regarding this issue? I also noticed pages missing with a lot of my files.