Seeneva / seeneva-reader-android

A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android.
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android comic-reader comics kotlin machine-learning ocr reader seeneva


A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android.

Get it on Google Play Get it on F-Droid

**Translation**: [*Русский*]( **•** [**•** *Features*](#features) [**•** *Speech balloons zooming*](#speech-balloons-zooming) [**•** *OCR and TTS*](#ocr-and-tts) [**•** *Performance*](#performance) [**•** *Permissions*](#permissions) [**•** *Screenshots*](#screenshots) [**•** *What's next?*](#whats-next) [**•** *Developing*](docs/ [**•** *Contribution*](#contribution) [**•** *Translation*](#translation) [**•** *Donate*](#donate) [**•** *FAQ*](#faq) [**•** *Privacy Policy*](#privacy-policy) [**•** *License*](#license) **•** [![Telegram](]( [![Twitter](]( [![Liberapay](](

:exclamation:Note: Current release should be considered as public beta.


Speech balloons zooming

Every time you add a new comic book into the app's library, it will scan each page to find all speech balloons on them using Machine Learning object detection model (based on YOLOv4-tiny).

Now you can easily zooming and navigate through comic book speech balloons no matter how small your screen:

Speech balloons zooming



Seeneva comic book reader make it possible to use Optical Character Recognition (based on Tesseract) on all found speech balloons to extract text from them. This will allow you to easily copy speech balloon's text and for example translate it using any available translator.


After every success OCR you can also use Text-To-Speech to convert speech balloon's text into synthesized human speech. You can use Seeneva like audio comic book reader.



Smart adding new comic book into the library might take a while. It is depends on your device CPU specifications, comic book archive type, pages count and their size. Here are some examples on real devices.

Device CBR (44 MB, 24 pages) CBR (103 MB, 78 pages)
Pixel 2 XL ~15s ~75s
Nexus 5 ~60s ~190s
Ainol Novo 7 Aurora II ~180s ~600s


Seeneva requires some Android permissions to run properly:


What's next?

More smart features, new supported by OCR languages. Where are a lot of ideas to implement.

Here are some of them:

Stay tuned!

:exclamation: Seeneva is a non-profit project, so there is no strong road map.



Translation status


Seeneva is a free and open source comic book reader without any income other than donations from users of the app.

If you like Seeneva comic book reader, you can donate to its future development. It will help to upgrade developer's dev machine to faster implement new features or rent cloud services required to train ML models.

So Seeneva will be smarter than ever! :brain:

Please remember that donations are totally voluntary. There is no any bonuses right now, except the developer appreciation. :heart_eyes_cat:


Q: What does Seeneva mean?

A: It is a modified Russian word "синева". Or this is a strange reference to Evangelion.

Q: Where can I download the ML dataset?

A: You can't because of legal issues. Maybe there will be a way in the future.

Q: Why are the results of my comic book speech balloons zooming and OCR recognition so poor?

A: Please try to use high resolution images. If it doesn't help then your comic book has unsupported speech balloon shapes or fonts. This usually can be fixed by adding this comic book into the ML training process. Also manga recognition is worse than that of comic books right now.

Q: What is the difference between the Import and Link adding options?

A: Current adding process is not very clear and can be confusing. It should be improved in future versions.

To clarify the difference:

Q: Where can I get digital comic books?

A: You can buy them, some comic books like Pepper&Carrot are libre. You can open any comic book with the app, no matter its provenance, as long as its format is supported. Sorry, but the Seeneva app ships without any prebuilt comic books.

Privacy Policy

Please read the PRIVACY document for more information.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

Third party dependencies

List of used dependencies and their licenses can be found in the dependencies.json file. Full text of a license can be found in the license directory. Also you can view them in the "About app" screen.

Please let me know if any of a licenses has invalid information.
