Seeneva / seeneva-reader-android

A libre smart powered comic book reader for Android.
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User Controls #55

Open kjboa opened 3 years ago

kjboa commented 3 years ago

Hi, i just discovered this awesome app and I like it a lot. However the way the user has to navigate still is somewhat of a mistery to me. Does one have to tap a certain panel to enlarge bubbles? Will enlarged mode start automatically if bubbles were found? In which order will bubbles be enlarged and does the order change by tapping? How long does it take for bubbles to be found, have bubbles already been found on my current page? This all remains rather unclear and it would be awesome to have a little walkthrough when opening the app the first time / show the progress of "bubble finding" in a visual way.

Other than that your app is beautiful and I can only hope its gonna be maintained for a long time!

Zellius commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thanks a lot for your comment I will continue to support the app because I use it too. :smiley:

It seems my "how to use" screen is not so meaningful... OK, I will think how to improve it!

I will answer your questions here:

Does one have to tap a certain panel to enlarge bubbles?

Tap on Right/Left edges of the screen to enlarge next/previous bubble.

Will enlarged mode start automatically if bubbles were found?

No. But I'm thinking to implement auto read mode in the future.

In which order will bubbles be enlarged and does the order change by tapping?

By default all comic books read direction is Left-to-Right. Tap on the right edge of the screen to move forward, tap on the left edge to move backward. You can change it by changing read direction (button with arrows icon).

How long does it take for bubbles to be found, have bubbles already been found on my current page?

All bubbles on all pages detected right after Seeneva added your comics to the library. That's why adding process can take few minutes.

I hope that my answers help you to understand Seeneva better!