Seerden / Rack

Exercise tracking
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What is this?

A small weightlifting session tracking application.

When I was actively weigtlifting, I wanted a small application to help me track and automatically determine what to do the next time I wanted to lift weights.

It's been a while since I lifted any weights, so naturally my interest in this project dwindled a little bit. One day I'll get around to working this project out (ha) a little more.

What are we using to build this?

The frontend is a SPA React application bundled with webpack. The backend runs Node with Express, we use postgres 14 and redis for persistence and in-memory storage. There is no ORM, we write our queries by hand (a little tedious, but a great way for yours truly to get better at SQL).

Both the front- and backend run TypeScript of course, and everything runs in docker containers.

Where can I use this application?

We're not even close to a usable product, so this is not live yet anywhere. You can run the application locally, though.

How do I run this?

Provided you have docker set up on your machine: