SeismicData / asdf_sextant

Experimental graphical user interface to explore ASDF data sets
13 stars 4 forks source link

ASDF Sextant

Landing page for all things ASDF:

This is Adaptable Seismic Data Format - if you are looking for the Advanced Scientific Data Format, go here:

This is an experimental graphical user interface intended to enable the interactive exploration of ASDF files. It is best suited to deal with earthquake data.

Imgur Imgur Imgur


$ conda install pyasdf pyside2
$ pip install asdf-sextant

It is important to install pyside2 via conda if you use conda - otherwise it is easy to install some version of Qt with conda and another via pip which just crashes.


Start it with:

$ asdf-sextant

Alternatively you can directly open a file with it:

$ asdf-sextant filename.h5



The GUI has the following dependencies:


Rebuild the UI file in case its necessary with:

pyside2-uic -g python asdf_sextant_window.ui