SeitaBV / flexmeasures-openweathermap

Integration to the OpenWeatherMap API from FlexMeasures.
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

flexmeasures-openweathermap - a plugin for FlexMeasures to integrate OpenWeatherMap data


To register a new weather sensor:

flexmeasures owm register-weather-sensor --name "wind speed" --latitude 30 --longitude 40

Currently supported: wind speed, temperature & irradiance.

Notes about weather sensor setup:

To collect weather forecasts:

flexmeasures owm get-weather-forecasts --location 30,40

This saves forecasts for your registered sensors in the database.

Use the `--help`` option for more options, e.g. for specifying two locations and requesting that a number of weather stations cover the bounding box between them (where the locations represent top left and bottom right).

An alternative usage is to save raw results in JSON files (for later processing), like this:

flexmeasures owm get-weather-forecasts --location 30,40 --store-as-json-files --region somewhere

This saves the complete response from OpenWeatherMap in a local folder (i.e. no sensor registration needed, this is a direct way to use OWM, without FlexMeasures integration). region will become a subfolder.

Finally, note that currently 1000 free calls per day can be made to the OpenWeatherMap API, so you can make a call every 15 minutes for up to 10 locations or every hour for up to 40 locations (or get a paid account).


To install locally, run

make install

To add as plugin to an existing FlexMeasures system, add "/path/to/flexmeasures-openweathermap/flexmeasures_openweathermap" to your FlexMeasures (>v0.7.0dev8) config file, using the FLEXMEASURES_PLUGINS setting (a list).

Alternatively, if you installed this plugin as a package (e.g. via python install, pip install -e or pip install flexmeasures_openweathermap after this project is on Pypi), then "flexmeasures_openweathermap" suffices.


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