Sekunde / 3D-SIS

[CVPR'19] 3D-SIS: 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation of RGB-D Scans
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Question about Scannet Image Dataset #66

Open pushkalkatara opened 1 year ago

pushkalkatara commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for the amazing work!

I wanted to ask for details about the Image dataset provided. For each scene there are following folders:

color/               depth-erode/         label-eroded/        labelv2/             pose/                
depth/               intrinsic_depth.txt  label-mapped/        labelv2-eroded/      world2grid.txt   

what are the differences between label-eroded, labelv2, and labelv2-eroded and depth, depth-eroded?

Sekunde commented 1 year ago

labelv2 is the scannetv2 annotations which are more complete than v1; eroded means the image has been applied by erosion operator so that the annotations are more smooth and less noisy