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[CVPR'19] 3D-SIS: 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation of RGB-D Scans
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3d computer-vision cvpr2019 deep-learning instance-segmentation

3D-SIS: 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation of RGB-D Scans (CVPR2019 Oral)

We present 3D-SIS, a new framework for 3d instance segmentation.


Download Paper (.pdf)

See Youtube Video

Data Generation

Data generation code is detailed in datagen.

Download Traininig Data

The training data we generated is provided.

Download Validation and Test Data

We provide the test and validation data (.scene and images) as examples. The detailed format of data, see saveChunkToFile. Download the


Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Note: You may need to rebuild NMS and RoIPooling layer by running python under lib/layer_utils/nms and lib/layer_utils/roi_pooling separately. The rest dependencies can be found in requirements.txt.

The code is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA8.0 and GTX1080Ti. If you encounter any CUDA/GPU issues, change the MAX_VOLUME and MAX_IMAGE in lib/utils/ to 0. This will enable inference on CPU.

Folder Structure

Expected file structure:

         |--benchmark (the same name as the configuration file without .yml)
            |--checkpoints (download checkpoints (.pkl and .pth) into this folder)
         |--rpn_class_mask_5 (the same name as the configuration file without .yml)
            |--checkpoints (download checkpoints (.pkl and .pth) into this folder)
   |--results/        (store the inference results)
         |--benchmark (the same name as the configuration file)
            |--test   (TEST_SAVE_DIR, see Section Configuration files)

Demo Code

You can run our demo code by bash, the visualization result is stored in example_result/visualization.


We provide checkpoints for inference on test data. Download the

Configuration Files

Configuration files are stored in experiments/cfgs/ folder. You can alter your own setup in the configuration file. The following several parameters need to be changed normally. See more details.

#----------- Filelists--------------
# filelist of training chunks
TRAIN_FILELIST: experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v2/train.txt
# filelist of validation chunks
VAL_FILELIST: experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v2/val_chunk.txt
# filelist of subset of training chunks, used to check for overfitting degree
TRAINVAL_FILELIST: experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v2/trainval.txt
# filelist of test scenes
TEST_FILELIST: experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v2/test.txt

#----------- Result folder -----------
# where to store the validation results (chunks)
VAL_SAVE_DIR: ../results/ScanNet/benchmark/val
# where to store the test results (scenes)
TEST_SAVE_DIR: ../results/ScanNet/benchmark/test

# ----------- Backbone -------------
# load checkpoint for backbone
# use the backbone
# fix the backbone weights or not
# load checkpoint for RPN
# use RPN, if false, use groundtruth bbox
# fix weights of RPN network
FIX_RPN: False
# load checkpoint for classification network
# use classification network, if not, use the groundtruth class labels
# fix the classification network weights or not
# use the second backbone for mask or not

# use color images or not
# where is the image folder
BASE_IMAGE_PATH: '/mnt/local_datasets/ScanNet/frames_square'
# where is the enet pretrained network
PRETRAINED_ENET_PATH: /mnt/local_datasets/ScanNet/scannetv2_enet.pth

(Hint: You can change the MAX_VOLUME and MAX_IMAGE in lib/utils/ to smaller number, if your GPU does not have enough memory. This will enable inference on CPU)

Inference on ScanNetV2

  1. Download ScanNet Checkpoint (v2 annotations, v1 split) to corresponding folder, see Folder Structure
  2. Download ScanNet Enet Checkpoint and ScanNetV2 Validation Data (312 scenes) with following structure.
      |--images_square (notice: do not change the name of this folder, since it is hardcoded in [Dataset](
  3. Modify the PRETRAINED_ENET_PATH to enet checkpoint, BASE_IMAGE_PATH to scannetv2_validation_data/images in the configuration file experiments/cfgs/ScanNet/rpn_class_mask_5.yml.
  4. Change the text file experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v1/test.txt pointing to scannetv2_validation_data/scenes/*.scene.
  5. Run python --cfg ScanNet/rpn_class_mask_5 --mode test --step 805146 --gpu 0 (predictions will be stored in TEST_SAVE_DIR)
  6. Visualize the results, by run python tools/ --path TEST_SAVE_DIR --mode results (visualizations will be stored in TEST_SAVE_DIR as .ply files)

ScanNet Benchmark

  1. Download ScanNet Benchmark Checkpoint to corresponding folder, see Folder Structure
  2. Download ScanNet Enet Checkpoint and ScanNetV2 Validation Data (95 scenes) with following structure.
      |--images_square (notice: do not change the name of this folder, since it is hardcoded in [Dataset](
  3. Modify the PRETRAINED_ENET_PATH to enet checkpoint, BASE_IMAGE_PATH to scannet_benchmark_validation_data/images in the configuration file experiments/cfgs/ScanNet/benchmark.yml.
  4. Change the text file experiments/filelists/ScanNet/v2/val_scene.txt pointing to scannet_benchmark_validation_data/scenes/*.scene.
  5. Run python --cfg ScanNet/benchmark --mode benchmark --step 1205541 --gpu 0 (predictions will be stored in TEST_SAVE_DIR)
  6. Transferring the predicted results to ScanNet Benchmark Format:
    python tools/scannet_benchmark/ --pred_dir TEST_SAVE_DIR --output_dir ./benchmark_result --scan_path scannet_benchmark_validation_data/scans --frames scannet_benchmark_validation_data/images
  7. Visualize the results, by run python tools/scannet_benchmark/ --output_dir ./benchmark_vis --result_dir ./benchmark_result --scan_path scannet_benchmark_validation_data/scans. Visualiations are in pointcloud as following:

3dsis            3dsis 8. Evaluate the results, by run `python tools/scannet_benchmark/ --pred_path ./benchmark_result --gt_path scannet_benchmark_validation_data/gt_insts --output_file ./benchmark_result.txt` (Hint: You can also submit to the [ScanNet Benchmark]( using [ScanNet Benchmark Test Data](#download-validation-and-test-data), but you need to remap the [labelset]( after step.7 by running `python tools/scannet_benchmark/ --pred_path benchmark_result`) ### Inference on SUNCG dataset 1. Download the [SUNCG Checkpoint](#checkpoints) to corresponding folder, see [Folder Structure](#folder-structure) 2. Download the [SUNCG Enet Checkpoint](#checkpoints) and [SUNCG Test Data](#download-test-data) with following structure. ``` |--suncg_test_data/ |--scenes |--images_augmented (notice: do not change the name of this folder, since it is hardcoded in [Dataset]( ``` 3. Modify the `PRETRAINED_ENET_PATH` to enet checkpoint, `BASE_IMAGE_PATH` to `suncg_test_data/images` in the configuration file `experiments/cfgs/SUNCG/rpn_class_mask_5.yml`. 4. Change the text file `experiments/filelists/suncg/nonaug/test.txt` pointing to `suncg_test_data/scenes/*.scene`. 5. Run ```python --cfg SUNCG/rpn_class_mask_5 --mode test --step 956472 --gpu 0``` (predictions will be stored in `TEST_SAVE_DIR`) 6. Visualize the results, by run `python tools/ --path TEST_SAVE_DIR --mode results` (visualizations will be stored in `TEST_SAVE_DIR` as *.ply* files) ### Train your own model 1. Generate training data, see [Training Data](#download-traininig-data) or [Data Generation](#data-generation) 2. Generate the filelists pointing to your `.chunk` and `.scene` data. 3. Copy `experiments/cfgs/ScanNet/benchmark.yml` to `experiments/cfgs/ScanNet/your_own.yml` 4. Setup `Filelists`, `Result folder` and `Enet` parts correspondingly in `your_own.yml`. 5. Train the RPN and classification network. Setup the following parameters in `your_own.yml` and run `python --cfg ScanNet/your_own --epoch 10 --gpu 0` for `200k` steps. ```yaml LOAD_BACKBONE: True USE_BACKBONE: True FIX_BACKBONE: False LOAD_RPN: True USE_RPN: True FIX_RPN: False LOAD_CLASS: True USE_CLASS: True FIX_CLASS: False USE_MASK: False ``` 6. Train the second backbone for mask prediction. Setup the following parameters in `your_own.yml` and run `python --cfg ScanNet/you_own --epoch 10 --gpu 0` for another `200k` steps. ```yaml LOAD_BACKBONE: True USE_BACKBONE: True FIX_BACKBONE: True LOAD_RPN: True USE_RPN: True FIX_RPN: True LOAD_CLASS: True USE_CLASS: True FIX_CLASS: True USE_MASK: True ``` ## Citation If you use this code please cite: ``` @inproceedings{hou2019sis, title={3D-SIS: 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation of RGB-D Scans}, author={Hou, Ji and Dai, Angela and Nie{\ss}ner, Matthias}, booktitle = {Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE}, year={2019} } ``` ## License [3D-SIS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](