Our vuln scanner marks these vulns as 'Critical'/'High' and says that go version 1.20.5+ fixes the above vulns. Can the Seldon team please look into updating the Go version for seldon-core 1.17.0?
To reproduce
Expected behaviour
Seldon v1.17.0 should not be flagged for these vulns.
Describe the bug
Seldon Core v1.17.0 has a few 'Critial'/'High' security vulnerabilities related to the use of
go 1.17
(https://github.com/SeldonIO/seldon-core/blob/v1.17.0/operator/go.mod#L3) (9+ CVSS score):Our vuln scanner marks these vulns as 'Critical'/'High' and says that go version
+ fixes the above vulns. Can the Seldon team please look into updating the Go version for seldon-core1.17.0
?To reproduce
Expected behaviour
Seldon v1.17.0 should not be flagged for these vulns.
K8s v1.26.3