SelectQuoteLabs / SQForm

Internal Form library utilizing Formik, Yup and Material-UI
MIT License
13 stars 10 forks source link

SQ Form Library

SQ Form Library aims to offer reusable form components to unify the UI for all SelectQuote applications.



Viewing the Storybook

The latest version of the SQForm Library Storybook can be viewed here.


When you make changes to this repo, you must adhere to the Conventional Commit standard.

If you are unfamiliar with writing Conventional Commit style messages, you can use the commitizen to guide you through creating the commit message

git add .
npm run commit

The commit will be validated through a linter pre-commit hook and will reject any commit messages that do not properly adhere to the convention.

Conventional Commit formatted messages are required for proper versioning and automatic generation of release notes / CHANGELOG. Currently, only feat and fix will bump the version.

Your first commit should use the type relevant to what you're working on, e.g., feat or fix, then if you receive feedback in a PR requiring another commit, choose chore; this will prevent those extra commits cluttering the changelog.

For BREAKING CHANGES Type a brief description of the breaking change when asked if there is a breaking change. Otherwise, press the ENTER key to skip over the breaking change optional question.

Maintenance Releases

Maintenance releases are for when we want to release a new version of the library that is not of the latest major version. This can happen when we notice a bug in a heavily used older version, or we have a request for a new feature that needs to be in an older version.

Maintenance releases are released off any branch that includes the string "maintenance-release" such as "maintenance-release-9.8.x". This branch naming convention is protected in repo settings.


By default in NPM v7 and above peer dependencies will be installed automatically. You can check your npm version using npm --version to determine the version you are using. If your version is not at least v7 you must install the peer dependencies manually.

Optional dependencies are always installed but can be omitted by using npm install --no-optional when installing this package.

Note: Ensure the types package major version number matches the package of your project. ex: React 16 should use v16 of @types/react.

Breaking Changes / Upgrade Guide

An upgrade guide and accompanying breaking changes can be found in the upgrade guide file.


To get started first install the projects dependencies

$ npm install

It's recommended to use the Node version specified in the .nvmrc file. If you have nvm installed execute the following terminal command:

$ nvm use

Note: If you run nvm use and don't have that version of Node installed, nvm will tell you how to install it

Running Storybook locally

$ npm run storybook

Running the Docs Page Locally

  1. Install Doc page dependencies
$ cd SQFormDocs && npm i
  1. Run the docs page
$ npm run docs


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.