SeloSlav / FarmersFable

A tale of cooperation.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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first feedback #24

Closed ole-peters closed 5 years ago

ole-peters commented 5 years ago

Comments from a first-time user:

  1. click left/right arrows on keyboard to navigate
  2. the x1.5 inside the sun caused confusion.
  3. the halo around Bill's head is unclear. Why does he sometimes have a halo? What's the significance? Is it consistent?
  4. user didn't recognize the link "King's chessboard." User suggests making the link blue because that's recognized as a link.
  5. user didn't see the pooling and sharing dynamically happen. User focused on the text "Now imaging that Bill and Ann make a pact..." -> solution: do the pooling and sharing animation following next click.
  6. User clicked back after seeing "life got better" but without cooperation both farmers had better yield on first try. Effect is not reliable at these short time scales, and user didn't remember what happened on first try, so went back. -> use pre-defined trajectories only, and don't produce random new ones? i.e. this may have to be more like a video than an interactive. Alternatively, have much longer trajectories where the effect is reliable (though that didn't work because of speed).
  7. Slide with "But is this a systematic effect..." User was carefully reading and thinking about text, but then the text moved on automatically, too quickly. -> solution: only ever change text when user clicks.
  8. There's a slide missing between "Anything that grows multiplicatively..." and the detailed computation. I think we wanted a transition slide that says something like "Let's do a detailed example computation of this effect" -- see text issue for exact text. Also, just noticed: we introduce the word "exponential growth" but then switch to "multiplicative growth." We should be consistent. So let's use "exponential growth throughout."
  9. User got confused when seeing the computation. User was expecting to see cooperation, but there isn't any on the first few slides. -> be explicit: First we do this without cooperation, then we do it with cooperation, to see the difference.
  10. User was focusing on images when clicking through the detailed computation, and missed the changing text. -> solution: when user clicks, only one thing can happen: either text changes, or figure changes, not both simultaneously. Check this throughout for consistency. Also problematic in explanation of pooling and sharing.
  11. User got confused by the images of the bundles. User says the screen is full of bundles but cannot estimate the actual numbers. User suggests writing numbers in addition to visuals of wheat bundles. -> have small bundles to illustrate, but also numbers so user can keep track of the actual values.
  12. User didn't like sentences split across slides "..and here comes the..." "really great part..." User suggests something like "And here comes the good news."
  13. After 5 minutes going back and forth, user figured out that outer rows were no cooperation, inner rows were with cooperation. User suggests text to label the rows: "Without cooperation, with cooperation" or similar.
  14. User got confused by different font sizes. Why are some things written in bigger font than others?

After understanding the story, user took 4:30min to run through.

Other comments from user: a) Bill's moustache makes him look sad. b) In explanation of exponential growth, add one more number. To do this use kilos:

"When something produces more of itself, mathematicians say "it grows exponentially": 1kg grows into 1.5kg, next 1.5kg grow into 2.25kg, then into 3.375kg and so on"

with line break as indicated.

c) User suggests to delete reference to King's chessboard. Not essential to the story.

d) User thinks it takes too long to generate 100 harvests, both in deterministic and in stochastic case. -> All trajectories should be generated at highest possible speed.

e) "But this is not about Kings and chess boards" is in large font (though it's not the important story), whereas the "It's about another fascinating thing..." is in small font.

ole-peters commented 5 years ago

@alex-adamou not sure you're following the repository?

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

1/1 I guess it is a bit late to open up again issues like illustration. But some points need consideration

1. click left/right arrows on keyboard to navigate

Good, if easily doable

2. the x1.5 inside the sun caused confusion.

I do not see a problem

3. the halo around Bill's head is unclear. Why does he sometimes have a halo? What's the significance? Is it consistent?

It is consistent. If Bill is happy he has a halo (Ann as well). If not, he hasn't

4. user didn't recognize the link "King's chessboard." User suggests making the link blue because that's recognized as a link.

Does this user often use links?

5. user didn't see the pooling and sharing dynamically happen. User focused on the text "Now imaging that Bill and Ann make a pact..."
   -> solution: do the pooling and sharing animation following next click.

Might be a point ...

6. User clicked back after seeing "life got better" but without cooperation both farmers had better yield on first try. Effect is not reliable at these short time scales, and user didn't remember what happened on first try, so went back.
   -> use pre-defined trajectories only, and don't produce random new ones? i.e. this may have to be more like a video than an interactive. Alternatively, have much longer trajectories where the effect is reliable (though that didn't work because of speed).

User should get as first trajectory a pre-defined one every time user gets to slide - independent where user comes from

7. Slide with "But is this a systematic effect..." User was carefully reading and thinking about text, but then the text moved on automatically, too quickly.
   -> solution: only ever change text when user clicks.

if easily doable?

8. There's a slide missing between "Anything that grows multiplicatively..." and the detailed computation. I think we wanted a transition slide that says something like "Let's do a detailed example computation of this effect" -- see text issue for exact text.

Martin also raised that issue in "Transition to principle explanation"

   Also, just noticed: we introduce the word "exponential growth" but then switch to "multiplicative growth." We should be consistent. So let's use "exponential growth throughout."

Would be good

9. User got confused when seeing the computation. User was expecting to see cooperation, but there isn't any on the first few slides.
   -> be explicit: First we do this without cooperation, then we do it with cooperation, to see the difference.

Add small text change: "First we see Ann and Bill without cooperation."

10. User was focusing on images when clicking through the detailed computation, and missed the changing text.
    -> solution: when user clicks, only one thing can happen: either text changes, or figure changes, not both simultaneously. Check this throughout for consistency. Also problematic in explanation of pooling and sharing.


Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago
10. User was focusing on images when clicking through the detailed computation, and missed the changing text.
    -> solution: when user clicks, only one thing can happen: either text changes, or figure changes, not both simultaneously. Check this throughout for consistency. Also problematic in explanation of pooling and sharing.

11. User got confused by the images of the bundles. User says the screen is full of bundles but cannot estimate the actual numbers. User suggests writing numbers in addition to visuals of wheat bundles.
    -> have small bundles to illustrate, but also numbers so user can keep track of the actual values.

12. User didn't like sentences split across slides "..and here comes the..." "really great part..."
    User suggests something like "And here comes the good news."

As I understood Martin, changes in slides concerning the explanation would need quite some effort. So if changes really necessary they should be reduced to a Minimum.

13. After 5 minutes going back and forth, user figured out that outer rows were no cooperation, inner rows were with cooperation. User suggests text to label the rows: "Without cooperation, with cooperation" or similar.

Small text change as in answer to 9. would be sufficent

14. User got confused by different font sizes. Why are some things written in bigger font than others?

After understanding the story, user took 4:30min to run through.

Other comments from user: a) Bill's moustache makes him look sad.

I like the moustache :-)

b) In explanation of exponential growth, add one more number. To do this use kilos:

"When something produces more of itself, mathematicians say "it grows exponentially": 1kg grows into 1.5kg, next 1.5kg grow into 2.25kg, then into 3.375kg and so on"

with line break as indicated.

c) User suggests to delete reference to King's chessboard. Not essential to the story.

Would solve the link problem

d) User thinks it takes too long to generate 100 harvests, both in deterministic and in stochastic case. -> All trajectories should be generated at highest possible speed.

Don't know what highest speed possible would be - could be too fast? To me speed seems ok.

e) "But this is not about Kings and chess boards" is in large font (though it's not the important story), whereas the "It's about another fascinating thing..." is in small font.

If reference to Kings Chess board gets skipped this also would

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

I understand. I personally can't address these changes soon, but I am willing to provide instructions and all technical documentation so that further development work can take place. We're looking at 2 months of additional development for the changes above, even if this weren't implemented in Construct.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Just a note for future reference.

It seems like the major problem here is that we need continuity from slide to slide. If in slide A we show Bill and Ann not cooperating, then on slide B the yields from pooling and sharing should be "better" than the non-cooperative yields on slide A.

In many cases, however, they are not... because the user generates a new random trajectory on slide A before moving forward, then on slide B often finds the new yields from pooling and sharing are lower than not cooperating.

We can do pre-determined trajectories for all the slides currently, but the problem is when the user hits "retry" to generate a new random trajectory. These values will NOT currently be sent over to the next slide to feed into the pooling and sharing mechanism.

Allowing both features, as well as continuity, is not currently supported and would require refactoring most of the code for every slide where there is a graph.

The only resolution that requires little additional work is removing the "retry" button and making all the graphs pre-determined (or having the retry button re-generate the pre-determined series).

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

@Marcthewriter Perhaps it's best we just use non-random trajectories, and have the retry button just "play" the same chart again and again?

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

The only continuity really important to me would be the one from "comparing coop to non-coop slide 1, 100 harvests" (slide 1) to "comparing coop to non-coop slide 2, 600 harvests" (slide 2).

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-16 um 22 58 39

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-16 um 22 58 48

To me this seems to work, even after hitting retry.

Strange thing though: On the slide before those two slides ("Life got better") I now see just a purple line instead oft the red and blue lines intertwined.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-18 um 14 37 53

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Another thing: Links don't seem to work on the tablet?

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

So to me the only things left would be - if possible:

1: On slide 1, let the predetermined trajectory not start at 10 kg, but at 1 kg, like all others. It's this slide:

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-16 um 22 58 39

On slide 2,

A) if continuing from slide 1, start labelling with Harvest 100. only if you retry, start at Harvest 1.

B) when you come from the right side, immediately start with a random trajectory, not with the continuation of slide 1. It's this slide

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-16 um 22 58 48

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

To simplify this last part I may just make it so when you click "Next" the trajectory merely continues on the same page. So it will run to 100 harvests, pause. Then the user can click next and the graph will continue to 500 harvests total. That way the chart doesn't blink between slides and there is continuity with harvest numbers.

As for the bug with the purple line only showing half way, I'm trying to fix that. Shouldn't be a problem. This was introduced with the pre-determined trajectory.

I've also been trying to avoid pre-determined trajectories that start at 1kg because it is not allowing me to graph anything less than 1kg when it is pre-determined, i.e. log of anything less than 0 (10^0 = 1kg) is not allowed if graphed explicitly (if it's not pre-determined then values less than 1kg do work for some reason).

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

To simplify this last part I may just make it so when you click "Next" the trajectory merely continues on the same page. So it will run to 100 harvests, pause. Then the user can click next and the graph will continue to 500 harvests total. That way the chart doesn't blink between slides and there is continuity with harvest numbers.

Would mean that the text of slide 2 would not show?

And with retry it would again start at 1, finish at 100, klick, continue to 600?

I've also been trying to avoid pre-determined trajectories that start at 1kg because it is not allowing me to graph anything less than 1kg when it is pre-determined, i.e. log of anything less than 0 (10^0 = 1kg) is not allowed if graphed explicitly (if it's not pre-determined then values less than 1kg do work for some reason).

Ok. I believe that most people won't realize. And those who do whether it starts at 1 or 10 - why should they care, as long as the curves are ok ...

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Would mean that the text of slide 2 would not show?

We could have the next "In a sense it's all luck..." show after the first button click, then the third text "Pooling and sharing not only reduces risk..." can fade in while the 2nd half of the chart runs, ~250 ticks.

And with retry it would again start at 1, finish at 100, klick, continue to 600?


Ok. I believe that most people won't realize. And those who do whether it starts at 1 or 10 - why should they care, as long as the curves are ok ...

I could also make all the charts start at 10kg for consistency...

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Would mean that the text of slide 2 would not show?

We could have the next "In a sense it's all luck..." show after the first button click, then the third text "Pooling and sharing not only reduces risk..." can fade in while the 2nd half of the chart runs, ~250 ticks.


And with retry it would again start at 1, finish at 100, klick, continue to 600?



Ok. I believe that most people won't realize. And those who do whether it starts at 1 or 10 - why should they care, as long as the curves are ok ...

I could also make all the charts start at 10kg for consistency...

Leave it as it is

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

@Marcthewriter To address another point you made about this graph... Before, the curves were red and blue and "interwined" along the trajectory. I agree this looked a lot cooler, and made it clear they are separate entities... What I did there was visually update the chart just one tick prior to "sharing". So in a sense, what we saw before was Bill and Ann's values as they converged toward pooling, but not after...

But when I introduced the pre-determined trajectory, which have the same values for both Bill and Ann throughout... thought it would be weird to show the purple version first... then the red/blue version on each "retry".

I hope this make sense. Is this okay? I'm not sure how to generate a pre-determined trajectory for the red/blue format.


Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

To me it made more sense showing the intertwined red-blue lines - demonstrating, how they now are glued to each other. The intermediary step to understand the purple line on the next slide.

I'd be fine without predetermined red-blue, though I am aware of the risk some of the random trajectories showing up first might be irritating.

Other option - if we show the purple line immediately (like now): do we actually need that slide at all? Or should we jump right to the comaprison? Would that be too short-cut?

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Other option - if we show the purple line immediately (like now): do we actually need that slide at all? Or should we jump right to the comaprison? Would that be too short-cut?

This came to mind as well. The graph may be somewhat redundant but I think the "life got better..." text is important. Where would that be moved?

Up to you at this stage. What do you think?

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

I'd be fine without predetermined red-blue, though I am aware of the risk some of the random trajectories showing up first might be irritating.

Yeah I liked that a lot as well. I wonder if there is a way to generate those intermediary sets as a pre-determined trajectory.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

It would be moved to the end of the predetermined trajectory.

So the traectory runs until Harvest 100 with the text "Let's compare ...

I'd be fine without predetermined red-blue, though I am aware of the risk some of the random trajectories showing up first might be irritating.

Yeah I liked that a lot as well. I wonder if there is a way to generate those intermediary sets as a pre-determined trajectory.

Unfortunately I wouldn't know ...

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Other option - if we show the purple line immediately (like now): do we actually need that slide at all? Or should we jump right to the comaprison? Would that be too short-cut?

This came to mind as well. The graph may be somewhat redundant but I think the "life got better..." text is important. Where would that be moved?

Up to you at this stage. What do you think?

It would be moved to the end of the predetermined trajectory.

So the trajectory runs until Harvest 100 with the text "Let's compare to see how they would have done ...".

Once 100 harvest have been completed, the text is added, so it reads " Let's compare ... shared their harvests. Life got better."

Once users hit retry "life got better" disappeares again - and doesn't show up again (in case life didn't get better ...)

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Hey @ole-peters. When I first saw these comments I freaked out a little bit. My apologies. My time was very limited to work on this project to begin with so I wanted to drive consensus toward the final development features in order to reduce time spent on refactoring due to unanticipated changes/improvements. I acted a little too reactively in retrospect.

I had a lot of spare time this weekend as I was attending a 4 day festival and there is quite a bit of down time in the hotel between events. I managed to go through each of these points and develop most of the improvements (though I've left out some "UX" changes because these can be quite subjective/longer to develop...would like to get feedback from more than one user ideally).

0. click left/right arrows on keyboard to navigate

Done. Also graphs can be restarted with an R click (could be up arrow?)

1. the x1.5 inside the sun caused confusion.

No change yet

2. the halo around Bill's head is unclear. Why does he sometimes have a halo? What's the significance? Is it consistent?

No change yet

3. user didn't recognize the link "King's chessboard." User suggests making the link blue because that's recognized as a link.

Changed the underline to Blue

4. user didn't see the pooling and sharing dynamically happen. User focused on the text "Now imaging that Bill and Ann make a pact..." -> solution: do the pooling and sharing animation following next click.

No change yet

5. User clicked back after seeing "life got better"

We are using pre-determined trajectories on charts 3, 4 and 5 now (the non-random trajectories don't carry over between slides however) so when you go back after "randomizing" you see the pre-determined trajectory again and so on.

6. Slide with "But is this a systematic effect..." User was carefully reading and thinking about text, but then the text moved on automatically, too quickly.-> solution: only ever change text when user clicks.

No change yet

7. There's a slide missing between "Anything that grows multiplicatively..." 

Changed text from "multiplicative" to "exponential" throughout the presentation.

We can think about a new slide but adding this sentence might be sufficient:


8. User got confused when seeing the computation. User was expecting to see cooperation, but there isn't any on the first few slides.

We added text "Without pooling and sharing: Ann starts with 4 bundles of wheat" to clarify the first run is the non-cooperative case.

9. User was focusing on images when clicking through the detailed computation, and missed the changing text.

No change yet

10. User got confused by the images of the bundles. User says the screen is full of bundles but cannot estimate the actual numbers. User suggests writing numbers in addition to visuals of wheat bundles. -> have small bundles to illustrate, but also numbers so user can keep track of the actual values.

No change yet but easily done

11. User didn't like sentences split across slides "..and here comes the..." "really great part..."

User suggests something like "And here comes the good news."

No change yet. Might want to ask more people about this if it's really a problem. This slide in particular is a large case statement where I'm hiding and showing up to 100 images at different times; it took a very long time to make. Inserting and removing slides can be a hassle (hence why I didn't remove or add certain sentences but instead appended some together with ...).

12. After 5 minutes going back and forth, user figured out that outer rows were no cooperation, inner rows were with cooperation. User suggests text to label the rows: "Without cooperation, with cooperation" or similar.

I added row labels. Also, the change in text (point 8) should clarify the distinction.


13. User got confused by different font sizes. Why are some things written in bigger font than others?

No change yet. Which text in particular is this referring to? Different font sizes would have been a stylistic choice, either to fill or rationate white space on screen.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I added row labels. Also, the change in text (point 8) should clarify the distinction.


I think the changes are ok. 
Only this one feels like over-explaining (and cluttering the slide even more: The added text before and going through the process should do it) - but since you've taken the effort, we also can leave it like that. 

Just one point: If I cklick "(R)eset the demonstration", it starts with the x2.0-sun in Anns row. Her first four bundles are missing and only show up after finishing Non-cooperating-Bill

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I'll look at this slide again and fix some bugs.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

One last point: on the conclusion slide at the end the link needs to lead to the the research paper (currently it links to LML's EE-subpage)

bermanjoe commented 5 years ago

The changes are really good! That's great.

One comment on the link in the conclusion slide - I think a good option would be to link to the economics project page in the LML website (, rather than to the paper or the lecture notes (for which links are available from this page). Ole, any thoughts?

ole-peters commented 5 years ago

I agree. Nice job, and a link to the project page is a good idea. Maybe that whole slide can be streamlined. What do you all think about the following text/links?

"This mathematical insight is absent from modern economics, whose foundations were laid in the 18th century when mathematics itself was still in its infancy.

The detailed theory behind the cooperation puzzle is available here [linking "here" to]. It is part of the redevelopment of economic theory currently taking place at the London Mathematical Laboratory [linking "London Mathematical Laboratory" to]."

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

How does this look?


SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Just one point: If I cklick "(R)eset the demonstration", it starts with the x2.0-sun in Anns row. Her first four bundles are missing and only show up after finishing Non-cooperating-Bill

Have you cleared cache recently @Marcthewriter? I don't see this anymore.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

This is what I see: (have to wait 10 seconds to download clip)

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I coudn't see it when I wrote the message, but saw it later (probably the cache).

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

But I still don't see random trajectories at the non-coop/coop comparison slide(s)

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

How does this look?


The first sentence is missing it's end "...itself was still in its infancy"

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

But I still don't see random trajectories at the non-coop/coop comparison slide(s)

Ah, I can see what you did: random trajectories after harvest 100.

People will accuse us to rig the game - and the accusation would be justified. Because at the point the random trajectories starts the purple line is the best already.

We need random trajectories starting from harvest 1.

Isn't it (easily) possible to enter a command into the code saying something like (my words, I'm no coder) "if slide 2 is re-tried, start ramdom trajectory at Harvest 1"?

Or, if slide 2 can't start at Harvest 1 (only at Harvest 100), something like "if slide 2 is re-tried, switch to slide 1, start random trajectory and continue to slide 2 without waiting for user-click".

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

And/or for the case users come from the "right side" probably something like "if users comes from the right side, continue to slide 1 immediately" and on slide 1 "if user comes from right side by 'above command', at re-try start random trajectory and continue to slide 2 without waiting for user-click."

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Construct 2 is a mostly procedural logic based "scripting engine" as opposed to a language. So it's not as reversible as functional or object-oriented programming languages such as JavaScript or Java. If I were to do it all again I would have written everything in a native language such as JS like Nicky Case does for her animated projects.

So that's why every time there is a feature change I usually have to scrap everything and start again. Too much path dependence. It was supposed to save time (it does with the animations) but ended up causing a lot of bottlenecks with the graphing.

Anyway, the way I'm doing it now is that the the harvest 1-100 and 100-500 are not actually on separate slides. They are on one slide. The graph pauses at 100 and waits for a click to continue. After the click, everything is random.

So the first 100 harvests are always pre-determined, even if you hit reset. But the second phase is always random. When the first 100 harvests are pre-determined, the 101st harvest is random and so forth.

This is what I can do:

How's that?

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago
* When you click reset at any point, you no longer get the pre-determined trajectory. You _always_ get a random trajectory (starting at harvest 1)... unless you go back and forth one slide to "reset" the layout. Then you would get the pre-determined version again.

How's that?

So after clicking reset, the random trajectory would start at harvest 1 and go up to harvest 100, there waiting for the user to cklick to countinue? Or could you - for the case of reset - let the trajectory run through from harvest 1 to harvest 500 without clicking after harvest 100?

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

We could do that but then it would change the way we display the text...

"Let's compare to see how they would have done had they not pooled and shared their harvests."


"But is this a systematic effect or just luck? All trajectories are random, so in a sense it's always luck. But luck becomes certainty in the long run."


"Pooling and sharing not only reduces risk. It increases growth for everybody involved."

Would make things more complicated...

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand. Isn't that the way the text is displayed right now anyway?

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand. Isn't that the way the text is displayed right now anyway?

Do you mean that the text would also be repated and not stay fixed at the last sentence "Pooling and sharing not only reduces risk. It increases growth for everybody involved." while the graph re-runs?

If so, I wouldn't mind

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand. Isn't that the way the text is displayed right now anyway?

Do you mean that the text would also be repated and not stay fixed at the last sentence "Pooling and sharing not only reduces risk. It increases growth for everybody involved." while the graph re-runs?

If so, I wouldn't mind

The other option would be to keep trajectories pre-determined on this slide and follow your suggestion from yesterday (simplified) and add a slide at the end to try random trajectories.

Whats easier to do? What makes more sense for the user?

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Easiest to implement and most sense to user is follows I think (working on it now):

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Easiest to implement and most sense to user is follows I think (working on it now):

* 1-100 predetermined -> click -> 101-500 predetermined (i used to the formula to extend the current 1-100 series to 500).

* when you click "reset" you get 1-100 random -> click -> 101-500 random

Of course in this case again there is the danger of a 1-100 trajectory showing red or blue dominating, not purple, and then stop. You need to cklick before you see purple overtake sooner or later during 101-500.

Ole wanted to avoid that.

Thats why I suggested to let it run through 1-500 once you reset.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

@Marcthewriter Check out the latest update.

....Yes, so under 100 harvests for the random trajectories there may be some cases where cooperators don't win. But isn't that a benefit? By the next click the user sees that in the long run cooperation overpowers.

For example:


Next phase:


If this is not acceptable then we can look at making the random trajectories always go from 1 to 500 without stopping after the user has clicked "reset" for the first time.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

@Marcthewriter Check out the latest update.

....Yes, so under 100 harvests for the random trajectories there may be some cases where cooperators don't win. But isn't that a benefit? By the next click the user sees that in the long run cooperation overpowers.

For example:


Next phase:


For me it would be okay. Especially since the first run will be positive. We had that discussion before ...

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Okay I've now updated it so the random runs go straight through to 500. Let me know what you think by comparison.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I like it

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago


Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I hope the others do, too!

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

By the way, @Marcthewriter, are you noticing glitching when you hover over one of the graphs? It's almost like the old graph is not recycled when a new one is created... so it pops back and forth.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Yes, I see something like that. The graph continues once I get the cursor away from the graph

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

And another minor glitch: at the pre-determined graph, is there a small gap in the red line at it's mid-30ies harvests?