SeloSlav / FarmersFable

A tale of cooperation.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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first feedback #24

Closed ole-peters closed 5 years ago

ole-peters commented 5 years ago

Comments from a first-time user:

  1. click left/right arrows on keyboard to navigate
  2. the x1.5 inside the sun caused confusion.
  3. the halo around Bill's head is unclear. Why does he sometimes have a halo? What's the significance? Is it consistent?
  4. user didn't recognize the link "King's chessboard." User suggests making the link blue because that's recognized as a link.
  5. user didn't see the pooling and sharing dynamically happen. User focused on the text "Now imaging that Bill and Ann make a pact..." -> solution: do the pooling and sharing animation following next click.
  6. User clicked back after seeing "life got better" but without cooperation both farmers had better yield on first try. Effect is not reliable at these short time scales, and user didn't remember what happened on first try, so went back. -> use pre-defined trajectories only, and don't produce random new ones? i.e. this may have to be more like a video than an interactive. Alternatively, have much longer trajectories where the effect is reliable (though that didn't work because of speed).
  7. Slide with "But is this a systematic effect..." User was carefully reading and thinking about text, but then the text moved on automatically, too quickly. -> solution: only ever change text when user clicks.
  8. There's a slide missing between "Anything that grows multiplicatively..." and the detailed computation. I think we wanted a transition slide that says something like "Let's do a detailed example computation of this effect" -- see text issue for exact text. Also, just noticed: we introduce the word "exponential growth" but then switch to "multiplicative growth." We should be consistent. So let's use "exponential growth throughout."
  9. User got confused when seeing the computation. User was expecting to see cooperation, but there isn't any on the first few slides. -> be explicit: First we do this without cooperation, then we do it with cooperation, to see the difference.
  10. User was focusing on images when clicking through the detailed computation, and missed the changing text. -> solution: when user clicks, only one thing can happen: either text changes, or figure changes, not both simultaneously. Check this throughout for consistency. Also problematic in explanation of pooling and sharing.
  11. User got confused by the images of the bundles. User says the screen is full of bundles but cannot estimate the actual numbers. User suggests writing numbers in addition to visuals of wheat bundles. -> have small bundles to illustrate, but also numbers so user can keep track of the actual values.
  12. User didn't like sentences split across slides "..and here comes the..." "really great part..." User suggests something like "And here comes the good news."
  13. After 5 minutes going back and forth, user figured out that outer rows were no cooperation, inner rows were with cooperation. User suggests text to label the rows: "Without cooperation, with cooperation" or similar.
  14. User got confused by different font sizes. Why are some things written in bigger font than others?

After understanding the story, user took 4:30min to run through.

Other comments from user: a) Bill's moustache makes him look sad. b) In explanation of exponential growth, add one more number. To do this use kilos:

"When something produces more of itself, mathematicians say "it grows exponentially": 1kg grows into 1.5kg, next 1.5kg grow into 2.25kg, then into 3.375kg and so on"

with line break as indicated.

c) User suggests to delete reference to King's chessboard. Not essential to the story.

d) User thinks it takes too long to generate 100 harvests, both in deterministic and in stochastic case. -> All trajectories should be generated at highest possible speed.

e) "But this is not about Kings and chess boards" is in large font (though it's not the important story), whereas the "It's about another fascinating thing..." is in small font.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

And another minor glitch: at the pre-determined graph, is there a small gap in the red line at it's mid-30ies harvests?

I've noticed this as well. Can't find a fix. I need to pick pre-determined trajectories that are always above 1.0 kg or else they won't be graphed (doesn't apply to randomly generated series).

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I don't think it really matters.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

For the pre-determined trajectories I need:

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Yes, I see something like that. The graph continues once I get the cursor away from the graph

I fixed the clipping issue with the following code (for reference):

_chart.chart_4.destroyAndReplace = function(elementId, canvasId) {
    // Removes an element from the document
    var element = document.getElementById(elementId);
    var p = document.getElementById("c2canvasdiv");
    var newElement = document.createElement("div");
    newElement.setAttribute("id", elementId);
    newElement.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute;")
    newElement.innerHTML = "<canvas id=\"" + canvasId + "\"></canvas>";

When the reset button was being clicked, it would just create a new chart over top the old one. Now, they are being deleted and created blank.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

For the pre-determined trajectories I need:

* 3 series up to 500 harvests

* Neither of them going below 1.0

* Where the cooperative trajectory outperforms each of the individual trajectories

I'll look for one shortly.

@bermanjoe Do you think you could provide me with one?

I used Excel to extend the ones you gave me (100 harvest series). I used the following function:


Just wanted to make sure that is right...

The longer series you gave me have too many values below 1.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

I really like that now!

(Only thing: if I use the keys to get through the story, it ends with the team-illustration).

I'll have another look at the German translation, whether I have to update something, so we can finish that, too.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Another minimal thing on this slide: there is one quote mark too much at the end of the sentences. It should be a dot.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-22 um 10 47 36

bermanjoe commented 5 years ago

re the cooperative trajectory outperfor

I can create new trajectories, but assuming that both Ann and Bill start with 1kg, it is very unlikely that none of the series will be below 1 at some point. If 1 has a special meaning we can simply multiply everything by 10 or 100 so that nothing goes below 1, but I assume this is not the kind of solution you are looking for.

If you need only one trajectory with 500 harvests that doesn't go below 1, that's possible. Yet, note that the current predetermined trajectory you are using starts at 10 and not at 1. If you want to present trajectories that start at 10 and don't get below 1, these are much more likely to occur, and therefore easy to create many of them. Let me know what is preferable.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Another minor one I found while translating: In this slide, first line, it should be chessboards (one word), like in the earlier slide

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-22 um 14 25 08

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

re the cooperative trajectory outperfor

I can create new trajectories, but assuming that both Ann and Bill start with 1kg, it is very unlikely that none of the series will be below 1 at some point. If 1 has a special meaning we can simply multiply everything by 10 or 100 so that nothing goes below 1, but I assume this is not the kind of solution you are looking for.

If you need only one trajectory with 500 harvests that doesn't go below 1, that's possible. Yet, note that the current predetermined trajectory you are using starts at 10 and not at 1. If you want to present trajectories that start at 10 and don't get below 1, these are much more likely to occur, and therefore easy to create many of them. Let me know what is preferable.

Let's just have them start at 10. Thanks Yonatan!

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Another minor one I found while translating: In this slide, first line, it should be chessboards (one word), like in the earlier slide

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-22 um 14 25 08


Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Bill's illustration on this slide looks somehow pixled to me. Is this just my screen?

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-22 um 14 25 08

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

@Marcthewriter What is your screen resolution?

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

This is what it looks like to me. I'm set to 1920x1080:


SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

I re-uploaded Bill's graphic to be about half the size so it doesn't scale up or down too much. It was being stretched down from 1885x3300 px on your screen. Makes sense that it would look better on my screen resolution, which is about the same width. Should be fixed now.

Marcthewriter commented 5 years ago

Improved it, but not as good as the others.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

Okay I'll tweak it to be similar in size to the other Bills.

SeloSlav commented 5 years ago

I'm going to close this thread since it is getting very, very long. We can address any remaining issues in a new one.