SeniorWizard / laptimer

Arduino laptimer for go kart
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laptimer: Arduino magnetic laptimer for karting

!!! Notice - new version avalible as laptimer2

Functionallity is more or less the same, but the hardware is less clumsey and it allows for the arduino to be in your pocket instead of mounted on the stearingwheel.

Table of Contents


From time to time I like to race my friends in hired gokarts. After the race we usually get a transscript of the individual laptimes achived. I just really can not remember if it was due to traffic or early breaking that lap 6 was slow, thus I have a hard time improving my racing skils. In my mind the cure is to have the laptimes instantly.

After some research I found out that most gokart tacks in Europe have 1 to 3 magnetic strips placed in the track. I figured that an Arduino with a reedswitch and a display should be able to register eash passage over a magnetic strip and display the time between each passage.

This build is made for the purpose to mount in a hired gokart, but it could be used as a permanent installation if you own your own kart, and possible also for motorcycles even this is not the main focus.


Materials and Wireing


The keys are attached to A0 and the display uses D4 to D10 when attached to the arduino.

The reed switch has ground to GND an vin to 3V3 and digital out to D2 - the last part is important as this is the first of the two only pins which can be used to attach an interrupt on an Arduino uno.


Mount the laptimer by attaching the display to the steeringwheel using the magnets, place the reed-switch in the buttom of the kart as near the ground as possible.

Holding down select for two seconds open configuration mode where up or right increases the number of sectors by one and downor left decreses the number by one. Pressing select again stores the chosen value in flash and will be read and used as default after boot.


After boot or confinguration changes the data is wiped and the laptimer goes into WAIT mode that is waiting for first passage of a magnet strip which indicates we are starting the first lap.

The display will differ dependent on wheter the tack only has one magnet strip and each passage corresponds to a lap or it has serveral (up to 3) where split times wil be shown.

Single sector mode

single sector

First line of the display shows:

Second line shows:

On the image is shown the first 3 laps.

Multi sector mode

multi sector

First line of the display shows:

Second line shows:

On the image is shown 4 passages completing the second lap to illustrate the idea:

Future improvements and notes

It is a bit clumsey and heavy, and there are a lot of vibrations in a gokart. Make use of a smaller and lighter display and a arduino nano would help a lot. Alternative just using a buzzer and some kind of beep/knock system could be almost as effetive and remove the needs for both wire and display (eg one short beep for each tenth faster, and long beep for slower).