Sentia / activemerchant-bpoint

An ActiveMerchant plugin that provides a full featured BPOINT gateway
MIT License
3 stars 4 forks source link


ActiveMerchant Bpoint is an add-on for ActiveMerchant which provides a gateway for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's BPOINT merchant gateway. Development on the gem has been sponsored by Sentia Australia.


Before installing the gem you should have a BPOINT account ready to use. If not then Contact the commonwealth bank of australia for more info.

To install simply add the following line to your Gemfile and then run bundle install:

gem 'activemerchant-bpoint'

The gateway can be initialised by passing your login details like so:

gateway = => 'login', :password => 'pass', :merchant_number => 'num')


Once you have an initialised gateway, there are several public methods available including purchase, store and unstore.

Here is an example of using the purchase method:

amount     = 1000 # 1000 cents is $10.00 AUD
options    = { :order_id => '5' } # Store the customers order number at the gateway

creditcard =
      :number => '4111111111111111',
      :month => 8,
      :year => 2006,
      :first_name => 'Longbob',
    :last_name => 'Longsen'

response = gateway.purchase(amount, creditcard, options)

if response.sucess?
  puts "All OK!"
  puts response.message # Output the error message

You can also store credit card numbers at the BPOINT gateway and then pass the token to purchase() like so:

amount     = 1000 # 1000 cents is $10.00 AUD
tptions    = { :order_id => '5' } # Store the customers order number at the gateway

creditcard =
      :number => '4111111111111111',
      :month => 8,
      :year => 2006,
      :first_name => 'Longbob',
    :last_name => 'Longsen'

token =['billingid']

response = gateway.purchase(amount, token, options)

# ...

Using test mode

As noted in the BPOINT developer documenation in regards to testing the gateway can be put into test mode by sending a month value of 99. The initialiser for the gateway takes an optional test argument which will put it into test mode like so: => 'l', :password => 'p', :merchant_number => 'n', :test => true)

When the gateway is in test mode then all requests will automatically have the month set to 99 (which triggers test mode on the gateway). The last 2 digits of the year is then used to determine which response code the gateway returns. The caveat with this is that you cannot have a successful status (year 2000 or 2100) and have a valid ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard. To get around this you can pass the parameter :force_success => true with the options to the purchase method. This will result in a successful transaction.

gateway = => 'l', :password => 'p', :merchant_number => 'n', :test => true)

# ...
options  = { :force_success => true, :customer_id => '9' }
response = gateway.purchase(amount, creditcard, options)

Optionally you can pass the flag into the initializer for the gateway to always force success: => 'l', :password => 'p', :merchant_number => 'n', :test => true, :force_success => true


activemerchant-bpoint is distributed under a standard MIT license, see LICENSE for further information.


Fork on GitHub and after you’ve committed tested patches, send a pull request.

To get tests running simply run bundle install and then rspec spec.

The test suite performs some remote tests by hitting the gateway and uses the VCR gem which prerecords responses. This means that you do not need to enter any details to perform the remote tests. If you do need to add new actions which hit the gateway, or rerecord responses, simply add your BPOINT details to the spec/test_credentials.rb file.