Sentmint / Crawl-Scrape

Data collection: 🕸️ Web Scrapping Implementation (Social Media/Twitter/Reddit/Articles...)
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Data Collection

The collection of data scraped from various online website sources:
Docker ## Docker-compose is setup to run the scrapers. Each scraper will have it's personalized Dockerfile which specifies all commands and requirements | Key Command | Function | | -- | -- | | docker images| View all existing docker images created | | docker ps | View all running docker containers/processes | | docker build -t \ . | Build new docker image | | docker run \ | Run specific docker image Dockerfile in directory | | docker-compose up | Using docker-compose file, run multiple docker images at a time (And view live logs) |

Source Summary
Twitter (w/o API usage) Twitter Cards Scraper using Python and Selenium. Users input a custom search query and all tweet cards are extracted, collected, and stored until the end of the page; console logs are present throughout this process.
Reddit (w/ API usage) User can provide a list of subreddits to scan. For each subreddit, the top 25 submissions (front page) of the subreddit will be scanned and the body of each comment within those 25 submissions will be stored with additional data such as upvote ratio or submission time.
Yahoo (w/ API usage) [TBD] Using the third party service "Alpha Vantage."
Twitter ## Objective User Tweet Cards Content Scraper on Twitter ## Workflow Execution Overview 1. (Navigation) a. Log into Twitter b. Searches inputted keyword query ('ie: #TSLA') c. Select tab option (ie: 'Latest') 2. (Collection) a. EXTRACTS & COLLECTS Tweet Cards seen on page b. Scrolls page c. REPEAT (Until condition met to stop: View "scroll_to_bottom" function) 3. (Storage) a. STORE all Tweet Cards extracted & collected in specified file format ## Important Details ### How to Run the Application 1. Ensure .ENV variable file fields are valid 2. Ensure the custom search query resources file are satisfied 3. Enter the directory containing the file: ``..\CrawlScrape\twitter`` 4. Application will start running once the command ``python`` is entered # [!!! CAUTION NOTE !!!] If ran too many times consecutively, will suspect suspicious activity that goes past TWITTER_USER_CONFIRMATION (which is already handled) and will send email confirmation code instead. (Not handled) ### Tools and Technologies Used - Python - Selenium ### Performance (Runtime) Note: Depends on the type of user content posted at the time of application execution Archived Milestone Iterations (Rough Estimates) Runtime: O(n^2) | (End of Page) | (Minutes) | | Scroll Count | Time | |---------------|-----------| | ~110 | ~7.5 | | | ~10-15 | | ~55 | ~7-8 | | ~73 | ~4.5 | | | | ### Notes In General, SETUP Section: - Runs on Chrome web browser driver - First time run takes a bit longer - Includes ability to handle unexpected lost/failure connection status to webpage: saves and overwrites extracted/collected data up to that point of failed connection - Forces fullscreen for best/foolproof results (Certain elements only appear with certain resolutions) - Uses dummy Twitter account: creds in .ENV variable file - Optional TODO addons are listed within the top of the ```` file COLLECTION Section: - Filters DURING collection of tweet cards: view docstrings of EXTRACT and COLLECT functions (1 scroll collects about ~10 tweet cards) - Condition to stop infinite scrolling: (MATCHING Y scroll pos of current VS new scroll height pos OR scroll counter limit) - File includes ability to test data collection on smaller/sample scale (View Code Comments) STORING Section: - Format: `` ../twitter// `` - Currently written to CSV and Binary file formats UPON DEBUGGING - Comment out ``--headless`` flag code command execution line in file
Reddit # ## Built using the Python Reddit API Wrapper [PRAW]( When this application is run, it will scan and fetch comments from the front page of the given subreddits.
Folders corresponding to the scanned subreddit will be created [here](data_collected/reddit) (if needed) and populated with a JSON; the JSON's filename will be when the JSON was produced. ## Connecting Requires a Reddit account with a script application defined. Quick guide available [here]( The credentials for the PRAW connection are fetched from an env file that has to be created and populated manually when running this application for the first time. There is a `.env.template` available [here](.env.template); the four credentials needed for the Reddit application are: - `CLIENT_ID` - `CLIENT_SECRET` - `USER_AGENT` - `REDDIT_RABBITMQ_HOST` - `REDDIT_THREAD_LIMIT` - `REDDIT_OUTPUT_PATH` ## Setup & Running ### Pip requirements Can be found in `requirements.txt` and installed via `pip install -r requirements.txt` command ### Setting up desired subreddits to be scanned The reddit scraper will evaluate a given array of subreddit strings defined in ``..\CrawlScrape\reddit\reddit_resource\`` which can be found [here](reddit/reddit_resource/ ### Execution Enter the directory containing the file: ``..\CrawlScrape\reddit\``
Application will start running once the command ``python`` is entered Debugging is enabled by default, so the user will see each API call and it's response.
![prawDebugResponse](reddit/readme_resources/prawDebugResponse.png) ## API Limitations & API Definitions There are 60 API calls available to us per minute. To avoid bad requests or potentially getting banned off of Reddit, the PRAW wrapper will enforce this restriction on its own. Attributes available for each of these return Objects can be seen here | API | Limit | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | GET Subreddit Submissions | 60 | Fetches number of desired submissions. A reddit "page" has 25 submissions; we can also specify how we want the page to be sorted before fetching, i.e. "BEST, TOP, CONTROVERSIAL", etc. | Get Comments | 2048 | Fetches number of desired comments. We can specify how we want the comments to be sorted before fetching here as well. | Get Author | 1 | Gets all information about the given author
Yahoo # ## TBD