SepehrImanian / terraform-provider-haproxy

Terraform HAProxy Provider
Apache License 2.0
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dataplaneapi haproxy terraform terraform-provider


Terraform Provider for HAProxy

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⚠️ Disclaimer: This project is under Active Development and is not ready for production use. Please use at your own risk.

Table Of Contents

About This Project

A Terraform provider to manage HAProxy. It use HAProxy Data Plane API to manage HAProxy.

Data Plane API Installation

To use this provider, you need to install HAProxy Data Plane API on your HAProxy server. or use entrprise version of HAProxy.


See our examples folder. For more information, see the documentation.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    haproxy = {
      source  = "SepehrImanian/haproxy"
      version = "0.0.7"

provider "haproxy" {
  url      = ""
  username = "username"
  password = "password"


Manage all HAProxy with a single provider:

resource "haproxy_global" "global" {
  user          = "haproxy"
  group         = "haproxy"
  chroot        = "/var/lib/haproxy"
  daemon        = true
  master_worker = true
  maxconn       = 2000
  pidfile       = "/var/run/"
  ulimit_n      = 2000
  crt_base      = "/etc/ssl/certs"
  ca_base       = "/etc/ssl/private"
  stats_maxconn = 100
  stats_timeout = 60

resource "haproxy_defaults" "default_test" {
  name                    = "default_test"
  mode                    = "http"
  backlog                 = 10000
  httplog                 = true
  httpslog                = true
  tcplog                  = false
  retries                 = 3
  check_timeout           = 10
  client_timeout          = 10
  connect_timeout         = 10
  http_keep_alive_timeout = 10
  http_request_timeout    = 10
  queue_timeout           = 10
  server_timeout          = 9
  server_fin_timeout      = 10
  maxconn                 = 2000

resource "haproxy_acl" "acl_test" {
  name        = "acl_test"
  index       = 0
  parent_name = "backend_test"
  parent_type = "backend"
  criterion   = "hdr_dom(host)"
  value       = ""
  depends_on  = [haproxy_backend.backend_test]

resource "haproxy_frontend" "front_test" {
  name                        = "front_test"
  backend                     = "backend_test"
  http_connection_mode        = "http-keep-alive"
  accept_invalid_http_request = true
  maxconn                     = 100
  mode                        = "http"
  backlog                     = 1000
  http_keep_alive_timeout     = 10
  http_request_timeout        = 10
  http_use_proxy_header       = true
  httplog                     = true
  httpslog                    = true
  tcplog                      = false

  compression {
    algorithms = ["gzip", "identity"]
    offload    = true
    types      = ["text/html", "text/plain", "text/css", "application/javascript"]

  forwardfor {
    enabled = true
    header = "X-Forwarded-For"
    ifnone = true

  depends_on = [haproxy_backend.backend_test]

resource "haproxy_bind" "bind_test" {
  name        = "bind_test"
  port        = 8080
  address     = ""
  parent_name = "front_test"
  parent_type = "frontend"
  maxconn     = 3000
  depends_on  = [haproxy_frontend.front_test]

resource "haproxy_backend" "backend_test" {
  name                 = "backend_test"
  mode                 = "http"
  http_connection_mode = "http-keep-alive"
  server_timeout       = 9
  check_timeout        = 10
  connect_timeout      = 10
  queue_timeout        = 10
  check_cache          = true

  balance {
    algorithm = "roundrobin"

  httpchk_params {
    uri     = "/health"
    version = "HTTP/1.1"
    method  = "GET"

  forwardfor {
    enabled = true

resource "haproxy_server" "server_test" {
  name        = "server_test"
  port        = 8080
  address     = ""
  parent_name = "backend_test"
  parent_type = "backend"
  send_proxy  = true
  check       = true
  inter       = 3
  rise        = 3
  fall        = 3
  depends_on  = [haproxy_backend.backend_test]

Building and Installing

Prebuilt versions of this provider are available on the releases page.

But if you need to build it yourself, changes vars in Makefile then:

git clone
cd terraform-provider-haproxy
make build


Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for more information.

Made with using Go.