Seravo /

Public repository of website using the project template
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link website

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Using project template by


Please see the documentation at for more info.

When you have Vagrant up and running successfully you should see a site looking something like this:




  1. Install Xcode
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Install Virtualbox
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Run the installation in terminal:
    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
    $ vagrant up

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

To use virtualbox make sure you have vt-x enabled in your bios.

sudo apt-get install -y vagrant virtualbox virtualbox-dkms
git clone ~/wordpress-dev
cd ~/wordpress-dev
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
vagrant up

Linux (CentOS/RHEL/Fedora)

Add RPMFusion repositories. See RpmFusion. Repository is needed for Virtualbox.

Clone the wordpress Git repo and run following commands:

sudo yum install vagrant virtualbox ruby-devel
sudo gem update bundler
sudo gem install hittimes -v '1.2.2'
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers vagrant-bindfs
sudo modprobe vboxdrv #Need to load the kernel module for virtualbox, you may want to load it automatically on boot...
vagrant up

Linux (General)

If you get errors related to creating host-only network adapters during vagrant up, run sudo vboxreload. It seems that sometimes virtualbox kernel modules are not working correctly after the machine wakes up from sleep.

Windows (Cygwin)

To use virtualbox make sure you have vt-x enabled in your bios. You might need to disable hyper-v in order to use virtualbox.

  1. Install Vagrant (1.7.4 or later)
  2. Install Virtualbox
  3. Clone this repo
  4. Do the installation in terminal:
    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-triggers
    $ vagrant up

In theory, Seravo WordPress should work even without cygwin installed, but we strongly recommend using Cygwin for doing WordPress development on Windows machines.

Answer (y/n) for interactive installation script

### All platforms

Once you have Vagrant up and running, you need to manually build assets with:

Enter Vagrant

vagrant ssh

Change to theme directory

cd /data/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/linuxtuki

Install Node.js dependencies


Build assets

webpack --config assets/webpack/production.js --progress

@TODO: The current contents of project package.json and theme package.json does not yet match the actual Node.js dependencies this project has or what it needs to build.

### Credentials for vagrant


user: vagrant password: vagrant

MariaDB (MySQL):

user: root password: root

## Vagrant base database

This project includes `vagrant-base.sql` as a base template for the database. It is stripped down and cleaned up version of an early production database.

Cleanup commands used among others:

sed "/'auto-draft'/d" -i vagrant-base.sql sed "/'revision'/d" -i vagrant-base.sql sed '/_edit_last/d' -i vagrant-base.sql sed '/_edit_lock/d' -i vagrant-base.sql sed -r '/INSERT INTO wp_options VALUES ([0-9]+,'\''transient/d' -i vagrant-base.sql

Also remember to replace all real users with the vagrant dummy user, and clean away production key (nonce, secure_auth, logged_in) material, like the session keys or GAWDP authentication keys.