Serchinastico / fourdays

Code for the Four Days application
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Four Days

Code for the Four Days application

Building the project

  1. First run yarn install
    1. If you find any error applying patches, just apply them manually

Building for Android

  1. Just run yarn android.

For release versions:

  1. Go to android.
  2. Run ./gradlew assembleRelease.

Building for iOS

  1. Install Cocoapods.
  2. Run pod install from the ./ios directory.

For release versions:

  1. Open the workspace with XCode.
  2. Connect a physical device.
  3. Change the scheme to Release.
  4. Go to Build > Archive
  5. Once it's done you will have the option to upload directly to the store.

React Native and iOS don't play well together.

Problems I found multiple times and their potential solutions:

glog/logging not found

This is probably because glog, a third party library used by react native, hasn't been compiled correctly.

Go to node_modules/react-native Try running scripts/ to download the four or so libs react native uses. Go to third-party/glog-0.3.5 Run ./configure && make && make install



The webpage is plain HTML + LESS. To compile LESS to CSS just run npm install less -g and then run lessc fourdays.less fourdays.css.

I'm using Browser-sync to automatically reload the webpage on file changes.