Serega007RU / hektCaptcha-extension

Automatically solve hCaptcha using AI. 100% Free and Unsustainable™️.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

hektCaptcha Extension

Automatically solve hCaptcha using AI. Locally, with Chrome extension.



Chrome Web Store:

Download from Chrome Web Store.

Firefox Add-ons:

Download from Firefox Add-ons.

Manual Installation:

  1. Go to Releases
  2. Download the latest .crx file
  3. Unzip it to a folder
  4. Open chrome://extensions/ in Chrome
  5. Enable Developer mode
  6. Click Load unpacked and select the folder

How to Build

To build the extension, make sure you have Node.js installed. Then run:

npm install
npm run build           # to build Google Chrome extension
npm run build:firefox   # to build Firefox extension


This project is based on the MIT-licensed NopeCHA extension. Using model from hektCaptcha-model.

Support this project

If you find this project useful, please consider donating:


Suggestions and pull requests are welcomed!.

This project was bootstrapped with Chrome Extension CLI