Sereni / Simply-Love-SM5-Vertical

Simply Love on vertical screens
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Note: ECFA 2021

This theme supports ECFA 2021 as of Feb 1! Use ECFA mode to enter the event. For any bugs or discrepancies with the official score spreadsheet, please open an issue in this repo or ping Sereni.

Simply Love Vertical (StepMania 5)

Arrow Logo

Simply Love Vertical is a Stepmania theme designed for single-player setups with monitors in portrait mode. Turning the monitor sideways increases the arrow scrolling space by 1.7x, meaning that a 23" monitor gains as much vertical play area as a 39" monitor.

main-screen gameplay screens


This theme is based on quietly-turning's Simply-Love-SM5 and the readme assumes you are familiar with it. If not, check out the original repo.

To install:

  1. Download/clone the repository
  2. Add the contents to your Themes/ folder
  3. Switch to the theme in Stepmania options
  4. In Graphics/Sound options, select the correct aspect ratio and display resolution. Stepmania may need to be restarted for changes to take effect.
  5. If there is no correct option, open your Preferences.ini file, find the following lines and set them to your monitor specs (example values for 1080p below). If you skip this step, Stepmania will not recognize the portrait orientation of the monitor, and everything will look off.
    • DisplayAspectRatio=0.562500
    • DisplayHeight=1920
    • There's also a DisplayWidth setting, but it will be ignored

Limitations compared to Simply Love

Additional features

Known issues

See the Issues tab. Most things should work. Bug reports and fixes are welcome!
