SergioFierens / ai4r

Artificial Intelligence for Ruby - A Ruby playground for AI researchers
712 stars 124 forks source link

{}[] {Build Status}[]

= Introduction

This project aims to produce ruby implementations of algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields.

= How to install

  1. Install the gem:

    gem install ai4r

  2. Include require statements in your code:

    require "rubygems" require "ai4r"

= Contact

If you have questions or constructive comments about this project send it to me: {Sergio Fierens}[], email address: (sergio (at) gmail (dot) com).

= Contributors

This project was created and is maintained by {Sergio Fierens}[]. There are other (great and absolutely cool) people who have donated time and code to make this project better. You can check out the complete AI4R contributors list:

= Disclaimer

This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.