Serhioromano / vscode-gitflow

Git Flow extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Extension causes high cpu load #16

Closed RaddishIoW closed 2 years ago

RaddishIoW commented 2 years ago


Find more details here:

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

I see. The first tree load takes a lot of time. I'll see what I can do about that.

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

This one was a tough one. I am not an expert on performance optimization. It took me some serious investigations. I think I have improved it like 2x or 3x. Although I believe there is still room for improvement. Anyway, next update later today 1.1.* should work much faster. I'll close this for now, but when you test it and it is still slow, feel free to reopen.

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

Added even few more thing. Version 1.1.0 should be published already.

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

It broke and not working at all now. Quickly try to solve.

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

😵‍💫 finally. Version 1.1.1. I used external library, for that one need a bundler to build an extension. Forsc fine and notable faster.

Serhioromano commented 2 years ago

And @RaddishIoW , thank you for review!