cMDT is a Powershell Module to help automize MDT server deployment and configuration with Desired State Configuration.
You can use this module with a pull server, an SMB share or a local file repository.
cMDT uses a number of components and open resource kit modules. The following are prerequisites for the module and need to be installed to the inteded deployment server:
The following prerequisites can automatically be downloaded with the cMDT Module:
Note: The MDT and ADK versions must compatible for the DSC modules to work.
And of course the cMDT Module itself which is open source with a [public repository][dill] on GitHub or from the Powershell Gallery.
To install the cMDT Module from the Powershell Gallery:
There is a known bug in the PSDesiredStateConfiguration User Resource that occur when performing a test method for an existing account. This will prevent you from for example changing the password of the MDTLocalAccount from the example contract. You will be able to create this account initially but all verification tests against this account will fail afterwards. This bug has been reported to Microsoft.
The cMDT Module contain the following DscResources:
cMDTApplication is a DscResource that enables download, import of and lifecycle management of applications in MDT. Applications can be updated and retrieved from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTApplication Teamviewer {
Ensure = "Present"
Version = ""
Name = "Teamviewer"
Path = "DS001:\Applications\Core Applications"
Enabled = "True"
ShortName = "Teamviewer"
Publisher = "Teamviewer"
Language = "en-US"
CommandLine = "install.cmd"
WorkingDirectory = ".\"
ApplicationSourcePath = "$($SourcePath)/TeamViewer_Setup_sv"
DestinationFolder = "Teamviewer"
TempLocation = $TempLocation
PSDriveName = $PSDriveName
PSDrivePath = $PSDrivePath
cMDTApplicationBundle is a DscResource that enables download, import of and lifecycle management of application bundles in MDT. Applications can be updated and retrieved from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTApplicationBundle DeveloperApps {
Ensure = "Present"
BundleName = "DeveloperApps"
BundledApplications = @('seven-z-1514-x64_1.0.0.0')
Version = ""
Publisher = "7-Zip"
Language = "en-US"
Hide = $false
Enable = $true
Folder = "Applications"
cMDTBootstrapIni is a DscResource that enables configuration and lifecycle management of the BootStrap.ini in MDT. This file can be updated and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will manage the content of this file according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTBootstrapIni ini {
Ensure = "Present"
Path = "$($PSDrivePath)\Control\Bootstrap.ini"
Content = @"
;MDT Connect Account
;Keyboard Layout
cMDTCustomize is a DscResource that enables management of custom settings, additional folders and scripts with lifecycle management for MDT. The files can be updated and retrieved from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import custom settings files and directories according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTCustomize PEExtraFiles {
Ensure = "Present"
Version = ""
Name = "PEExtraFiles"
Path = $PSDrivePath
SourcePath = "$($SourcePath)/PEExtraFiles"
TempLocation = $TempLocation
cMDTCustomize Scripts {
Ensure = "Present"
Version = ""
Name = "Scripts"
Path = $PSDrivePath
SourcePath = "$($SourcePath)/Scripts"
TempLocation = $TempLocation
Protected = $true
cMDTCustomSettingsIni is a DscResource that enables configuration and lifecycle management of the CustomSettings.ini in MDT. This file can be updated and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will manage the content of this file according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTCustomSettingsIni ini {
Ensure = "Present"
Path = "$($PSDrivePath)\Control\CustomSettings.ini"
Content = @"
Priority=SetModelAlias, Init, ModelAlias, Default
Properties=ModelAlias, ComputerSerialNumber
ComputerSerialNumber=#Mid(Replace(Replace(oEnvironment.Item("SerialNumber")," ",""),"-",""),1,11)#
;Local admin password
;Enable or disable options:
;TimeZone settings
TimeZoneName=W. Europe Standard Time
;Example keyboard layout.
cMDTDirectory is a DscResource that enables management of folder structures with lifecycle management for MDT. These folders can be managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will manage MDT folders according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTDirectory Windows10 {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Windows 10"
Path = "DS001:\Operating Systems"
PSDriveName = $PSDriveName
PSDrivePath = $PSDrivePath
cMDTDriver is a DscResource that enables download, import of and lifecycle management of drivers in MDT. Drivers can be updated and retrieved from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import drivers according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTDriver Win10x64DellAudio {
Ensure = "Present"
Version = ""
Name = "Latitude 3340"
Path = "DS001:\Out-of-Box Drivers\Windows 10 x64\Dell Inc."
Enabled = "True"
Comment = "Drivers for Dell Latitude 3340 Laptops"
SourcePath = "$($SourcePath)/Audio_Driver_5P33P_WN32"
TempLocation = $TempLocation
PSDriveName = $PSDriveName
PSDrivePath = $PSDrivePath
cMDTOperatingSystem is a DscResource that enables download, import of and lifecycle management of Operating System WIM files in MDT. These files can be updated and retrieved from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import Operating Systems according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTOperatingSystem Win10x64 {
Ensure = "Present"
Version = ""
Name = "Windows 10 Enterprise x64"
Path = "DS001:\Operating Systems\Windows 10"
SourcePath = "$($SourcePath)/REFW10X64"
TempLocation = $TempLocation
PSDriveName = $PSDriveName
PSDrivePath = $PSDrivePath
cMDTPersistentDrive is a DscResource that enables management of MDT persistent drives with lifecycle management for MDT. These folders can be managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will manage MDT folders according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTPersistentDrive DeploymentPSDrive {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = $PSDriveName
Path = $PSDrivePath
Description = "Deployment Share"
NetworkPath = "\\$ComputerName\DeploymentShare$"
cMDTPreReqs is a DscResource that enables download of prerequisites for MDT server deployment. Prerequisites can be defined and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
$ConfigurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "*"
MDTInstallationSoftware = @{
MDT = @(
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 2 (6.3.8330.1000)"
ProductId = "F172B6C7-45DD-4C22-A5BF-1B2C084CADEF"
SourcePath = ""
ADK = @(
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit - Windows 10"
ProductId = "82daddb6-d4e0-42cb-988d-1e7f5739e155"
SourcePath = ""
C01 = @(
Ensure = "Present"
SourcePath = ""
cMDTPreReqs MDTPreReqs {
Ensure = "Present"
DownloadPath = "$(TempLocation)"
cMDTTaskSequence is a DscResource that enables management of Task Sequences with lifecycle management for MDT. Task Sequences can be defined and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Note: The Operating System WIM file must exist in the OperatingSystemPath for the Task Sequence to be created correctly.
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTTaskSequence Win10x64 {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Windows 10 x64"
Path = "DS001:\Task Sequences\Windows 10"
#OperatingSystemPath = "DS001:\Operating Systems\Windows 10\REFW10X64DDrive in Windows 10 Enterprise x64 REFW10X64.wim"
WIMFileName = "REFW10X64"
ID = "01"
PSDriveName = $PSDriveName
PSDrivePath = $PSDrivePath
cMDTUpdateBootImage is a DscResource that enables creation and management of boot images with lifecycle management for MDT. Boot images can be defined and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cMDTUpdateBootImage updateBootImage {
Version = ""
PSDeploymentShare = $PSDriveName
Force = $true
Compress = $true
DeploymentSharePath = $PSDrivePath
cWDSBootImage is a DscResource that enables management of boot images with lifecycle management for the Windows Deployment Services (WDS). Boot images can be defined and managed from a pull server according to Desired State Configuration principles.
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cWDSBootImage wdsBootImage {
Ensure = "Present"
Path = "$($PSDrivePath)\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim"
ImageName = "LiteTouchTest X64 v1.0.0.0"
cWDSConfiguration is a DscResource that enables management and configuration for the Windows Deployment Services (WDS).
Available parameters with example:
The DscResource will import applications according to the following principle:
Desired State Configuration job example:
cWDSConfiguration wdsConfig {
Ensure = "Present"
RemoteInstallPath = "C:\RemoteInstall"
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