Servoy / aggridcomponents

Advanced table components based on ag-Grid
MIT License
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NG Grids

NG Grids package contains two advanced table components which provides built-in grouping functionalities: Data Grid that uses as data model Servoy foundsets, ideal for large amount of data, and Power Grid, that uses as data model Servoy datasets, better suited for small data, as it loads the data model in memory. There are same functionalities covered by both, but there also differenties, please have a look on the wiki pages for more details.


The NG Grids can be used on Servoy 8.2.1 or higher.

Getting started

To add the NG Grids package in your solution, open the Servoy Developer IDE and download the NG Grids components from the Web Package Manager (the Web Package Manager is accessible from the context menu of the Web Components node of your solution).

To use the latest source code clone the git repository and checkout the develop branch. Install the egit plugin for Eclipse to clone the repository and import the projects into the workspace.


See the Wiki for the available documentation

Feature Requests & Bugs

Found a bug or would like to see a new feature implemented? Raise an issue in the Issue Tracker


Eager to fix a bug or introduce a new feature? Clone the repository and issue a pull request


NG Grids is licensed under the MIT license. You can freely use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies for the content of this repository.

Please note that you don't have the same rights on the referenced libraries.

The package references via CDN the licensed software aggridcomponents-license under the OEM license