Sesame-Disk / cool-storage-api

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1. With Doker

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2. Without Doker

Use the cool-api.dist.yaml template file.

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Every name.go file must have a name_test.go where the tests for the respective functions of the name.go file must be

Testing app

1. Basic test

go test ./...
go test -v .\some_test.go

2. Test coverage checks

go test ./... --coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover --html=coverage.out

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1. To make sure the server started: "/api/v1/ping"

curl http://localhost:3001/api/v1/ping



2. To add a sample john_doe's account to your application. Replace EXAMPLE_PASSWORD with a strong value: "/api/v1/registrations"

curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/registrations -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=john_doe&password=EXAMPLE_PASSWORD"



3. Request to the "/api/v1/auth-token/" endpoint using john_doe's credentials to get a time-based token.

curl -d "username=john_doe&password=EXAMPLE_PASSWORD" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/auth-token/

output: {"token":"l7p81hy0iEPzKZY5l0SEfpiKecwGQ1aqsGO4DyYs"}

4. Authorization token request: "/api/v1/auth/ping/"

curl -H "Authorization: Token l7p81hy0iEPzKZY5l0SEfpiKecwGQ1aqsGO4DyYs" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/auth/ping/

output if token is valid:


output if token not valid

invalid access token

output if token expired

the token is expired

5. To get account info: "/api/v1/account/info/"

curl -H "Authorization: Token 5DwfTS8iOkbV4LkyHUDucmdlLfMuyum8VBDTgz2j" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/account/info/

output example:


Please note: When using Golang token-based authentication in a production environment, you should always use SSL/TLS certificates to prevent attacks during token requests, and responses flow.

6. To upload a file: "/api/v1/single/upload

curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/api/v1/single/upload -F "file=@filename.extension" -H "uploader-file-name: filename.extension"

output example:

File filename upload successfully

7. To download a file: "/api/v1/single/download"

curl -X POST http://localhost:3001/api/v1/single/download -F "archiveId=somerandomid" -F "fileName=filename.extenison"

output example:

download success

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