SethRobinson / RTDink

Dink Smallwood HD is an old school zelda-like adventure/RPG that has been ported to many platforms. C++/OpenGL
57 stars 7 forks source link

Dink Smallwood HD

-- To just download working versions to play Dink Smallwood:

Visit for installers for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

-- How to compile and run the source to create dink.exe on Windows using Visual Studio 2017:

Use the "Debug GL" or "Release GL" solution configuations in 32 bit. Debug GL 64 bit is also setup (just to test - as I actually don't package a 64 bit version for Windows, just iOS)

--- Have a bugfix or patch?! Please send it over to Seth! Please note that any submission (code, media, translations, ect) must be 100% compatible with the license as listed in the source license

See script/installer/readme.txt for what's new info.

-- Note about various ports