SethRobinson / proton

Proton SDK: Seth's GL/GLES messy multi-platform C++ game SDK. Can output to Windows, OS X, iOS, Android, Linux (Raspbian too), HTML5, Flash
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Edit and continue? #18

Closed iProgramMC closed 2 months ago

iProgramMC commented 2 years ago

I've tried a lot of stuff to make edit and continue work (VS 2022), yet I couldn't get it to work. When I tried to make it work, I got the following error:

Edit and Continue : error  : The dependency information for 'App.cpp' in the state (*.idb) file(s) '' is out of sync with the Program Database (*.pdb) file 'Z:\proton\RTBareBones\bin\RTBareBones.pdb' for 'RTBareBones.exe'. Ensure that the file is compiled with the Enable Minimal Rebuild (/Gm) option.

Yet, it is compiled with /Gm: image

SethRobinson commented 1 year ago

I've always had problems with edit and continue, kind of gave up on using it like 10 years ago. let me know if you ever get it to work

iProgramMC commented 1 year ago

It seems like I got edit and continue working on an RTSimpleApp-based project, all I needed to do was turn /SAFESEH to "No". I'm not sure that's actually as safe but it works, and release builds can keep having it on