SethRobinson / proton

Proton SDK: Seth's GL/GLES messy multi-platform C++ game SDK. Can output to Windows, OS X, iOS, Android, Linux (Raspbian too), HTML5, Flash
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Proton SDK

For tutorials and more info, visit The Proton SDK wiki

License: BSD style with attribution required

Seth's GL/GLES messy multi-platform C++ game SDK. Can output to Windows, Linux (including the Raspberry Pi), HTML5, OS X, iOS, Android

A component based toolbox of useful things built up over the last ten years. Instead of a giant .lib you link only the .cpp files used when possible to simplify multiplatform support as well as keep code size down.

It's kind of an SDL-like on steroids (while also being able to target SDL2 for setup/input/audio itself when needed) but generally gets the best results with its own native implementations of things. For example, it can target the following audio subsystems: SDL2_mixer, Audiere, FMOD, FMODStudio, Native iOS, Native Android, Denshion, Native Flash

It's designed with a "Write stuff in Windows with Visual Studio 2017, then compile/export to other platforms as needed" mentality.

Deprecated platforms no longer actively supported: Flash, BBX, WebOS

8/29/2023 Note

I had to make a breaking change - I updated the Boost library to the latest for proper C++20 support and it doesn't support signal anymore, just signals2.

If you're updating an old project, When you get this error:

1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\shared\util\boost\libs\signals\src\connection.cpp': No such file or directory 1>named_slot_map.cpp 1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\shared\util\boost\libs\signals\src\named_slot_map.cpp': No such file or directory 1>signal_base.cpp 1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\shared\util\boost\libs\signals\src\signal_base.cpp': No such file or directory 1>slot.cpp 1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\shared\util\boost\libs\signals\src\slot.cpp': No such file or directory 1>trackable.cpp 1>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\shared\util\boost\libs\signals\src\trackable.cpp': No such file or directory

Remove references to those files, they don't exist anymore, signals2 is header-only, no source needed.

If you get errors like "1>D:\projects\proton\UGT\Source\App.h(132,9): error C2039: 'signal': is not a member of 'boost'" in your code, you'll need to change it.

From this:

boost::signal<void(void)> m_sig_target_language_changed;

To this:

boost::signals2::signal<void(void)> m_sig_target_language_changed;

Some things written with Proton:

Credits and links

Want to contribute?

Feel free to submit a pull request! At this point the goal is that all changes be non-breaking to existing projects.