Sf-60-Ruby-Cisco / BE-Ruby-Project

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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

How to Deploy This App to Heroku via Heroku CLI using Dockerfile.web, install Redis addon, config Mail ENV Variables and run Sidekiq

Assuming Heroku Postgres addon is already installed and our config/database.yml is configured


heroku login
heroku container:login
heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev --app test-car

After the Redis installation is finished Go to the app's settings on Heroku -> App -> Settings -> Reveal Config Vars -> Copy the Redis URL Value

In our .env file set (Used in config/initializers/sidekiq.rb)



heroku container:push web --app test-car --recursive
heroku container:release web --app test-car
heroku run rake secret --app test-car
heroku config:set --app test-car SECRET_KEY_BASE=secret_key
heroku run rake db:migrate --app test-car
heroku run rake db:seed --app test-car

From the .env file copy the values of (Also used in config/environments/production.rb, # Mailer Settings(line 97))



heroku config:set MAIL_USERNAME=value MAIL_PASSWORD=value --app test-car
heroku run bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml --app test-car

Login with the SIDEKIQ user created by db/seeds.rb to access the /sidekiq Panel

Heroku runs the dynos we need. However, the problem is that If we're running on free dynos, then Heroku will put the web dyno to sleep automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity and our scheduled job won't start.

To solve that, we'll need to use the Heroku Scheduler addon to run a command that will wake up the cron job proccess, but first we'll need to generate a HEROKU_API_KEY


heroku authorizations:create
heroku config:set --app test-car HEROKU_API_KEY=api_key

Then run

heroku addons:create scheduler:standard --app test-car

Once added, we'll open up the addon in the web browser.

heroku addons:open scheduler --app test-car

In the web browser, click 'Add Job' and then let the command

bundle exec sidekiq

run everyday at 12:00 AM UTC.