Sgtpluck / resource-search

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Project Resource Search



If you're new to Rails, see the Getting Started with Rails guide for an introduction to the framework.

Local Setup

Setting up a local UAA server

You can set up a local UAA server. Instructions modified from this repo

Install docker if you haven't already

mkdir /tmp/uaa
cp local_uaa_server.yml /tmp/uaa/uaa.yml
docker run -d --name uaa-uaa -p 8080:8080 -v /tmp/uaa:/uaa:rw hortonworks/cloudbreak-uaa:3.6.3

Username: user1 Password: wombat

Local Configuration

Environment variables can be set in development using the dotenv gem.

Consistent but sensitive credentials should be added to config/credentials.yml.env by using $ rails credentials:edit

Any changes to variables in .env that should not be checked into git should be set in .env.local.

If you wish to override a config globally for the test Rails environment you can set it in .env.test.local. However, any config that should be set on other machines should either go into .env or be explicitly set as part of the test.



Inline <script> and <style> security

The system's Content-Security-Policy header prevents <script> and <style> tags from working without further configuration. Use <%= javascript_tag nonce: true %> for inline javascript.

See the CSP compliant script tag helpers ADR for more information on setting these up successfully.


Running tests

Run everything: bundle exec rake


GitHub actions are used to run all tests and scans as part of pull requests.

Security scans are also run on a scheduled basis. Weekly for static code scans, and daily for dependency scans.


Each environment has dependencies on a PostgreSQL RDS instance managed by See docs for information on RDS.


First time only:

Make sure the application is open to public and trusted local network egress so it can connect to the DB and UAA server

cf bind-security-group public_networks_egress sandbox-gsa --space davida.marion
cf bind-security-group trusted_local_networks_egress sandbox-gsa --space davida.marion
cf create-service aws-rds micro-psql project_resource_search-rds-stage
cf create-service cloud-gov-identity-provider oauth-client uaa-client
cf create-service-key \
    uaa-client \
    uaa-service-key \
    -c '{"redirect_uri": ["", ""]}'
cf service-key uaa-client uaa-service-key

Take the output and open the Rails credentials:

EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:edit

Copy the client id and client secret into your credentials using the keys:

uaa_client_id: $CLIENT_ID_HERE
uaa_client_secret: $CLIENT_SECRET_HERE

To deploy:

cf push --strategy rolling --vars-file config/deployment/stage.yml --var rails_master_key=$(cat config/master.key)

Once the deploy has finished, you have to run migrations.

To do this, ssh into the instance of the resource search, configure your session to match your application's environment and then run the migrations.

cf ssh project_resource_search-stage
rake db:migrate

TODO: make the deployment steps into a script


First time only: create DB service with cf create-service aws-rds <<SERVICE_PLAN_NAME>> project_resource_search-rds-prod

cf push --strategy rolling --vars-file config/deployment/prod.yml --var rails_master_key=$(cat config/master.key)

Configuring ENV variables in

All configuration that needs to be added to the deployed application's ENV should be added to the env: block in manifest.yml

Items that are both public and consistent across staging and production can be set directly there.

Otherwise, they are set as a ((variable)) within manifest.yml and the variable is defined depending on sensitivity:

Credentials and other Secrets

  1. Store variables that must be secret using GitHub Environment Secrets
  2. Add the secret to the env: block of the deploy action as in this example
  3. Add the appropriate --var addition to the push_arguments line on the deploy action as in this example


Configuration that changes from staging to production, but is public, should be added to config/deployment/stage.yml and config/deployment/prod.yml


Architectural Decision Records (ADR) are stored in doc/adr To create a new ADR, first install ADR-tools if you don't already have it installed.

Then create the ADR:

This will create a new, numbered ADR in the doc/adr directory.


This will continue to evolve as the project moves forward.

Story Acceptance