Shaan2342 / File-sharing

GNU General Public License v3.0
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a powerful file-sharing application designed for secure and efficient sharing of encrypted data. It offers both a web application and a command-line interface (CLI) for versatile use cases. The application is built with a focus on end-to-end encryption, providing users with the ability to encrypt and decrypt files directly in the browser.

Features On-the-Fly Encryption and Decryption: Experience seamless encryption and decryption processes directly in your browser. For example, decrypt movies without downloading them first.

Multi-Files Upload: Efficiently upload multiple files with on-the-fly creation of Zip archives, all handled within the web application without temporary archive creation.

Pause & Resume Uploads: Enjoy the flexibility to pause and resume file uploads at your convenience.

Automatic Upload Resuming: Web application users benefit from automatic resuming of uploads in case of connection failures or timeouts.

Lightweight Web Application: The web application is designed to be lightweight, with HTML/CSS/JS totaling less than 100kb.

File Size Limitation & Timeout: Traditional features like file size limitation and timeouts are also supported for a well-rounded file-sharing experience.

Server Installation & Configuration Quick'n'dirty To quickly try secsend, run a server directly from your shell:

bash Copy code $ pip install secsend_api secsend_webapp $ sanic -p 8000 Access secsend by navigating to If secsend_webapp is not installed, only the command-line interface will be available. Uploaded files are stored in the secsend_root directory by default.

Run with Docker Copy docker.env.example to docker.env and modify its content to configure secsend (e.g., file size limit). Run secsend with Docker: bash Copy code

docker run --env-file docker.env -p 8000:80 -v /path/to/data/storage:/data aguinet/secsend:v1.0.0

/path/to/data/storage will store uploaded files and associated metadata.

Run with systemd For running secsend on a server using systemd:

Create a Python virtualenv and install secsend: bash Copy code $ virtualenv secsend_venv && . secsend_venv/bin/activate $ pip install secsend_api secsend_webapp Declare the secsend service in systemd by creating /etc/systemd/system/secsend.service with appropriate content. Example: ini Copy code [Unit] Description=secsend

[Service] ExecStart=/path/to/secsend_venv/bin/sanic -p 8000 -H Environment=PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 Environment=SECSEND_BACKEND_FILES_ROOT=/path/to/data/storage Restart=always User=www-send

[Install] Replace /path/to/data/storage with a writable directory. See the configuration section for more environment variables.

Enable & run the secsend service: bash Copy code $ systemctl enable --now secsend.service secsend is now accessible at

Configuration Configure secsend using environment variables:

FILESIZE_LIMIT: Maximum file size in bytes (0 means no limit). TIMEOUT_S_VALID: Valid time limits, as a comma-separated list of seconds (0 seconds means no limit). BACKEND_FILES_ROOT: Path to secsend's data storage. Command Line Usage Installation bash Copy code $ pip install secsend Upload a File bash Copy code $ secupload myvideo.mp4 secupload generates an administration link for resuming or deleting the file and a download link for recipients.

Resume an upload using an administration link:

bash Copy code $ secupload -c myvideo.mp4 Download a File bash Copy code $ secdownload By default, the original filename will be used as the destination filename. Use -o to override this.

Delete an Uploaded File bash Copy code $ secadmin -d Use an administration link for this to work.