ShabuShabu / laravel-paradedb-search

Integrates the pg_search Postgres extension by ParadeDB into Laravel
MIT License
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ParadeDB Search for Laravel

ParadeDB Search for Laravel

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Integrates the pg_search Postgres extension by ParadeDB into Laravel

Supported minimum versions

PHP Laravel PostgreSQL pg_search
8.2 11.0 16 0.7.5


[!CAUTION] Please note that this is a new package and, even though it is well tested, it should be considered pre-release software

Before installing the package you should install and enable the pg_search extension.

You can then install the package via composer:

composer require shabushabu/laravel-paradedb-search

You can also publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-paradedb-search-config"

These are the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'index_suffix' => '_idx',


Add a bm25 index

Each model that you want to be searchable needs a corresponding bm25 index. These can be generated within a migration like so:

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Indices\Bm25;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('products', static function (Blueprint $table) {
            // all your product fields

            ->addDateFields(['created_at', 'deleted_at'])
                'description' => [
                    'tokenizer' => [
                        'type' => 'default',
            ->create(drop: true);

    public function down(): void

Preparing your model

Just add the Searchable trait to your model to enable search:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Concerns\Searchable;

class Product extends Model
    use Searchable;

    // the rest of the model...


ParadeDB Search for Laravel comes with a fluent builder for ParadeQL, a simple query language.

This builder can be passed as a condition to a search where method or used within the various ParadeDB expressions.

Basic query

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;

Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard')->get();

// results in: description:keyboard

Add an IN condition

    ->where('description', ['keyboard', 'toy'])

// results in: description:IN [keyboard, toy]

Add an AND NOT condition

    ->where('category', 'electronics')
    ->whereNot('description', 'keyboard')

// results in: category:electronics AND NOT description:keyboard

Boost a condition

Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard', boost: 1)->get();

// results in: description:keyboard^1

Apply the slop operator

Builder::make()->where('description', 'ergonomic keyboard', slop: 1)->get();

// results in: description:"ergonomic keyboard"~1

More complex example with a sub condition

    ->where('description', ['keyboard', 'toy'])
        fn (Builder $builder) => $builder
            ->where('category', 'electronics')
            ->orWhere('tag', 'office')

// results in: description:IN [keyboard, toy] AND (category:electronics OR tag:office)

Apply a simple filter

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Operators\Filter;

Builder::make()->whereFilter('rating', Filter::equals, 4)->get();

// results in: rating:4

Apply a boolean filter

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Operators\Filter;

Builder::make()->whereFilter('is_available', '=', false)->get();

// results in: is_available:false

Apply a basic range filter

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Operators\Filter;

Builder::make()->whereFilter('rating', '>', 4)->get();

// results in: rating:>4

Apply an inclusive range filter

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Operators\Range;

Builder::make()->whereFilter('rating', Range::includeAll, [2, 5])->get();

// results in: rating:[2 TO 5]

Apply an exclusive range filter

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Operators\Range;

Builder::make()->whereFilter('rating', Range::excludeAll, [2, 5])->get();

// results in: rating:{2 TO 5}

ParadeDB functions

For more complex operations, it will be necessary to use some of the provided ParadeDB functions, all of which have corresponding query expressions:

Get all the records

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\All;

Product::search()->where(new All())->get();

Get none of the records

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Blank;

Product::search()->where(new Blank())->get();

Boost a query

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\All;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Boost;

Product::search()->where(new Boost(new All(), 3.9))->get();

Add a constant score

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\All;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\ConstScore;

Product::search()->where(new ConstScore(new All(), 3.9))->get();

Perform a disjunction max query

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\DisjunctionMax;

    new DisjunctionMax(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))

The DisjunctionMax constructor also accepts an array of queries, so using the fluid interface might be more convenient for multiple queries:

        ->add(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))

This also allows you to conditionally add queries:

        ->add(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))
        ->add('description:blue', when: false)

Search for a fuzzy term

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\FuzzyTerm;

Product::search()->where(new FuzzyTerm('description', 'keyboard'))->get();

Highlight search terms

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Highlight;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\DisjunctionMax;

    ->select(['*', new Highlight('id', 'name')])
    ->where(new DisjunctionMax(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard')))

Search for a phrase

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Phrase;

    ->where(new Phrase('description', ['robot', 'building', 'kits']))

Perform a phrase prefix query

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\PhrasePrefix;

    ->where(new PhrasePrefix('description', ['robot', 'building', 'kits', 'am']))

Search within a given range

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Range;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Ranges\Int4;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Ranges\Bounds;

    ->where(new Range('rating', new Int4(1, 3, Bounds::includeStartExcludeEnd)))

Here are the supported range types (all within the ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Ranges namespace), plus their corresponding Postgres type:

Perform a regex query

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Regex;

    ->where(new Regex('description', '(team|kits|blabla)'))

Search for a term

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Term;

    ->where(new Term('description', 'building'))

Search for a set of terms

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Term;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\TermSet;

    ->where(new TermSet([
        new Term('description', 'building'),
        new Term('description', 'things'),

The above query can also be written in a fluid manner:

        ->add(new Term('description', 'building'))
        ->add(new Term('description', 'things'))

The term method allows you to conditionally add terms:

$when = false;

    TermSet::query()->add(new Term('description', 'things'), $when)

Perform a complex boolean query

use App\Models\Product;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Range;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Boolean;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\FuzzyTerm;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Ranges\TimestampTz;

    ->where(new Boolean(
        must: [
            new Range('created_at', new TimestampTz(null, now())),
        should: [
            new Boost(new FuzzyTerm('name', 'keyboard'), 2),
            new FuzzyTerm('description', 'keyboard'),
        mustNot: [
            new Range('deleted_at', new TimestampTz(null, now())),

Boolean queries can also be constructed in a fluid manner:

        ->must(new Range('created_at', new TimestampTz(null, now())))
        ->should(new Boost(new FuzzyTerm('name', 'keyboard'), 2))
        ->should(new FuzzyTerm('description', 'keyboard'))
        ->mustNot(new Range('deleted_at', new TimestampTz(null, now())))

The two queries above are identical. The fluent methods allow you to conditionally add queries, though:

$when = false;

        ->must(new Range('created_at', new TimestampTz(null, now())))
        ->should(new Boost(new FuzzyTerm('name', 'keyboard'), 2), $when)

Sort by rank

use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Term;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Rank;

    ->addSelect(new Rank('id'))
    ->where(new Term('description', 'building'))


It's also possible to paginate the results. Both the paginate and simplePaginate methods use the underlying limit & offset functionality, so will be more performant:

use App\Models\Product;
use App\Models\Product;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;

    ->where(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))

Search parameters

The ParadeDB search function allows you to set a variety of parameters to fine-tune your search. All of these can be set here as well:

use App\Models\Product;
use App\Models\Product;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;

    ->where(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))

Hybrid search

Whenever a similarity query is provided, the package will automatically perform a hybrid search. Please note that a ParadeDB query is still required!

use App\Models\Product;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Distance;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\Query\Expressions\Similarity;

    ->where(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))
    ->where(new Similarity('embedding', Distance::l2, [1, 2, 3]))

Search parameters

Similarly to the full-text search, there are also parameters you can set for a hybrid search:

    ->where(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))
    ->where(new Similarity('embedding', Distance::l2, [1, 2, 3]))

Modifying the underlying query

Occasionally, it will be necessary to modify the base query, for example to eager-load some relationships. This can be accomplished like so:

use App\Models\Product;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent;
use ShabuShabu\ParadeDB\ParadeQL\Builder;

    ->modifyQueryUsing(fn (Eloquent\Builder $builder) => $builder->with('tags'))
    ->where(Builder::make()->where('description', 'keyboard'))

A word of caution

While it is possible to combine ParadeDB queries with regular Eloquent queries, you will incur some performance penalties.

For optimal performance it is recommended to let the bm25 index do as much work as possible, so wherever possible you should use the built-in filters as well as limit & offset!

Getting help

If your issue has something to do with this package, then please use the issues and discussions!

If your issue is related to pg_search, tho, then please create a discussion in the ParadeDB repo.

To make this a bit easier, you can use the paradedb:help command that ships with this package:

php artisan paradedb:help

Please note that this command is just an implementation of the function. Please use this command wisely!


The tests require a PostgreSQL database, which can easily be set up by running the following script:

composer testdb

[!WARNING] Please note that both pg_search and pgvector extensions need to be available already.

Then run the tests:

composer test

Or with test coverage:

composer test-coverage

Or with type coverage:

composer type-coverage

Or run PHPStan:

composer analyse

ParadeDB test table

There is also a command that allows you to create and drop the built-in test table

php artisan paradedb:test-table create


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



This is a 3rd party package and ShabuShabu is not affiliated with either Laravel or ParadeDB.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.