ShadowJonathan / Essy

Easy Static Site Hoster (ESSH, spoken "Essy")
MIT License
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Nix(OS) integration #15

Open ShadowJonathan opened 1 month ago

ShadowJonathan commented 1 month ago

An issue documenting potential issues or methods of integrating, packaging, or working with Nix(OS)

Essy assumes a lot of state, I don't know enough about nix to properly handle that state, and to work with other system components (nginx and certbot) to properly do that.

4censord commented 1 month ago

Both nix and guix mostly assume that they have the absolute authority about certbot/nginx. Unless we want to write code to explicitly interact with nix/guix, it will be very difficult.

But, we could probably render a nix/guix template, and calling the system nix/guix to implement that.

I'd say this shouldn't be a focus, maybe a 2.x feature, unless someone experienced with nix/guix contributes it.

ShadowJonathan commented 1 month ago

V2 is explicitly for extensions and the likes, I'd want to either finish this before that (so 1.x), or leave it dangling for "whenever"