ShadowJonathan / Essy

Easy Static Site Hoster (ESSH, spoken "Essy")
MIT License
33 stars 0 forks source link


⚠️ 🚧 This project is still pre-v1 and not meant to be easily installable yet.

Easy Static Site Hoster (ESSH, spoken "Essy")

A personal site hosting platform, where you'd need nothing more than a web server, a browser, and some HTML coding skills, to create your own personal website.

Essy works with a reverse proxy, pointing it at the files and folders that you uploaded, and manages the rest for you :3



The first major release, meant to focus on the core functionality of editing static websites.


A second major release adding more extendability, completely optional.


At the moment, we are not focusing on features like the following;

Maintenance Brief

From Jo (@ShadowJonathan):

While I want to create Essy, I don't want to be a long-term intensive maintainer of it. Maintenance (after v1 or v2) should be low-energy for me, hands-off, so I can allocate energy elsewhere for other projects.

I'll put my energy into creating v1 and possibly also v2, but after that, there'll have to be a shift in expectations; either I'll be more absent and development will be slower, or someone else will do maintenance for me, or this'll be maintained/owned by some other group.

I don't intend to make money off of this, neither do I intend for this to be ever a money-generating revenue; the entire point is play and experimentation. So don't expect me to sell it, or whatever that would mean for an Open Source Project.