ShadowJonathan / Essy

Easy Static Site Hoster (ESSH, spoken "Essy")
MIT License
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Resources #5

Open ShadowJonathan opened 4 months ago

ShadowJonathan commented 4 months ago

There should be an easy way to get access to resources regarding web development.

I think that they should be split in two categories; reference, and tutorials.

Reference should include things like;

Tutorials should include basic introductions, and playful gamification as well.



We should/could also grab some stuff from

Draconizations commented 4 months ago

I'm unsure if linking to the HTML and JS specs would be too useful for most people who are just getting started with HTML/CSS. I'd still include them! But would add a disclaimer that these are technical documents.

As for gamification, here's another flexbox one.

I think it might be worth it writing some built in tutorials, or making it easy for admins of instances to add their own. At least, that's what I would like to do if/when I host Essy myself!

EDIT: by "making it easy" I mean making it easy to edit the source code for this. Not a built-in way for admins to add this.

ShadowJonathan commented 4 months ago

Yeah, the link to the spec is only for people who already know most of HTML, but still need a reference of "wait how was it again (exactly)?"

Just adding a quick link instead of having them look up on google and encounter a wish-washy example on w3schools (which is more a tutorial than a reference) would make it an annoying experience.

Draconizations commented 4 months ago

That makes sense! I'm mostly looking at this from the angle of someone who mostly has friends who aren't too familiar with HTML yet.

I also just remembered another gamified exercise. This one's for CSS grid