ShahriarKh / strapi-content-type-explorer

πŸ—Ί Content-Type Explorer is a Strapi plugin that visualizes your content types and their relationships like an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).
MIT License
24 stars 3 forks source link
erdiagram strapi strapi-plugin strapi-v4

πŸ—Ί Content-Type Explorer

Content-Type Explorer is a Strapi plugin that visualizes your content types and their relationships like an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).




⌨️ Installation

npm i strapi-content-type-explorer

βš™οΈ Options

[!TIP] If you encounter lags while dragging boxes, try changing edge types. "Smart" edges cause performance issues (this should be fixed in future releases)

πŸ› οΈ Development

πŸ—οΈ Setup

  1. Create a new strapi project
  2. Clone the plugin repo inside src/plugins/ folder:
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“ config
β”‚   └── plugins.js (πŸ‘ˆοΈ create this)
└── πŸ“ plugins
    └── πŸ“ strapi-content-type-explorer (πŸ‘ˆοΈ clone here)
cd src/plugins
git clone
  1. Create config/plugins.js if it doesn't exist and add this:
module.exports = {
  "strapi-content-type-explorer": {
    enabled: true,
    resolve: "./src/plugins/strapi-content-type-explorer",
  1. Go to plugins/strapi-content-type-explorer and install dependencies:
cd src/plugins/strapi-content-type-explorer
npm i
  1. Run strapi and start developing!
npm run strapi develop -- --watch-admin

πŸš€ Collaboration

Have a question or found a bug? Feel free to open an issue. Wanna contribute and improve the plugin? PRs are welcome!
