Shahrukh-padaniya / CapstoneProject_G6

This repository is for discussion for capstone project ESE4009.
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Group 6

Group members:- Rohan Yadav C0773871 Shahrukh Padaniya C0769542 Swapnil Sevak C0777195 Vandana Ega C0777215

Instructor:- Mike Aleshams

This repository will contain files for our capstone project on "IoT based Cradle system using SIDS monitor".

Iot based cradle system enables monitoring of baby 24 hours and identifies any danger to life by SIDS Monitor which detects heartbeats of baby. The system is consists of

1)Oxygen and pulse monitor Units 2)Crying Detection Unit
3)Swing Controller unit
4)Wetness detector unit
5)Video Surveillance unit

These five units synchronised to work with each other and altogether makes a complete IOT based baby monitoring cradle system.

Features of our project:-

SIDS monitor (sudden infant death syndrome) , Cry detection , Wetness detection , Video Monitoring , Swing control , Provides alert in an emergency case , Playing melodious music or sounds

Hardware requirement:-

Microprocessor - RASPBERRY PI 3 MOD B+ BCM2837B0 ,
PIR sensor - HC-SR501 , USB camera and microphone , Speaker - USB mini speaker from Adafruit , Humidity sensor - DHT11 , Electric motor - Servo Motor , Motor Driver - L298N , Pulse Oximeter - MAX30102 , GSM/GPRS Module - SIM868

Software requirement:-

Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) , C language, C++ or Python , Kicad , PCB Wizard , Microsoft Azure

block diagram