ShaneFlandermeyer / tdmpc2-jax

Jax/Flax Implementation of TD-MPC2
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reinforcement-learning world-models


A re-implementation of TD-MPC2 in Jax/Flax. JIT'ing the planning/update steps makes training 5-10x faster than the original PyTorch implementation while maintaining similar or better performance in challenging continuous control environments.

This repository also supports vectorized environments (see the env field of config.yaml) and finite-horizon environments (see world_model.predict_continues and tdmpc.continue_coef in config.yaml).

This repository also supports vectorized environments (see the env field of config.yaml) and finite-horizon environments (see world_model.predict_continues and tdmpc.continue_coef in config.yaml).


To install the dependencies for this project (tested on Ubuntu 22.04), run

pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]" -f

pip install --upgrade tqdm numpy flax optax jaxtyping einops "gymnasium[mujoco]" hydra-core tensorflow orbax-checkpoint dm_control

Then, edit config.yaml and run in the main project directory. Some examples:

# gymnasium 
python env.backend=gymnasium env.env_id=HalfCheetah-v4 
# dmcs
python env.backend=dmc env.env_id=cheetah-run   


Install the package from the base directory with

pip install -e .


If you enjoy this project and would like to help improve it, feel free to put in an issue or pull request! While the core algorithm is fully implemented, the following features still need to be added: