SharadKumar97 / OSINT-SPY

Performs OSINT scan on email/domain/ip_address/organization using OSINT-SPY. It can be used by Data Miners, Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers and cyber crime investigator in order to find deep information about their target. If you want to ask something please feel free to reach out to me at
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.15k stars 182 forks source link

OSINT-SPY Search using OSINT(Open Source Intelligence)

Performs OSINT scan on email/domain/ip_address/organization using OSINT-SPY. It can be used by Data Miners, Infosec Researchers, Penetration Testers and cyber crime investigator in order to find deep information about their target.

OSINT-SPY Documentation (beta)

File Name     :     README
Author        :     @sk_security
Version       :     2.0
Website       :

Overview of this tool:

Licenses information

OSINT-SPY and its documents are covered with GPL-3.0 (General Public License v3.0)


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      88888888888    |          |  @ @     @       |            |          8       @    8        @
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      88888888888    |@@@@@@@@  |  @   @   @       |      ----  |@@@@@@@@  8@@@@@@@@        8  @
      @@@@@@@@@@@            |  |  @    @  @       |                    |  8                  @
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       888888888     @@@@@@@@|  |  @      @@       |            @@@@@@@@|  8                @

                                         Search using OSINT

        Usage: [options]
        -h,            --help                    show this help message and exit
        --btc_block                              Get latest bitcoin block info
        --btc_date                               Get bitcoin block info by date, example - 20190614
        --btc_address                            Get info of any bitcoin wallet address
        --ssl_cipher                             List out supported SSL ciphers used by any domain
        --ssl_bleed                              Check whether server is vulnerable to heart bleed or not
        --domain                                 Do domain recon
        --email                                  Do email recon
        --device                                 Explore the Internet of Things. Example - opensips,asterisk,juniper,windows10
        --ip                                     WHOIS IP Lookup
        --malware                                Send files to VirusTotal for malware analysis
        --json                                   Show output in JSON format


1. Sharad Kumar - @sk_security <twitter handler>
