Sharanam / redis-pub-sub-handler

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Redis Pub/Sub Viewer

Initial Idea

This project was developed to experiment with JSON strings in Redis, as an alternative to using Redis Insights.

Setup Instructions

Follow the steps below to get the project up and running:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install
  2. Create .env file with the necessary/default configuration settings.

    IS_STAGING = 1 // turn this off if using local
    REDIS_URL_LOCAL = "redis://";
    REDIS_URL_STAGING = "redis://#########";
    REDIS_PASSWORD_STAGING = "########";
    REDIS_DB = 0;
    WS_PORT = 8081;
  3. Start the server with the command:

    npm start
  4. Let the node process log Redis connected to ... message and then Open localhost:3000 in browser.

Tech Stack


If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Check the Issues page for any open tasks or bug reports.

  2. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.

  3. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

  4. Create a new branch for your changes:

    git checkout -b <feature/your-feature-name>
  5. Make your desired changes to the codebase.

  6. Commit your changes:

    git commit -m "Added: <your feature>"
  7. Push your changes to your forked repository:

    git push origin <feature/your-feature-name>
  8. Open a pull request from your forked repository to the original repository.

  9. Provide a clear and detailed description of your changes in the pull request.

  10. Wait for the project maintainers to review and merge your pull request.

Thank you for your contribution! 💖

Redis Pub/Sub


The Redis Pub/Sub feature enables the exchange of messages between publishers and subscribers through channels.

Messages are characterized into channels without specific subscribers, and subscribers express interest in one or more topics to receive relevant messages.

This decoupling of publishers and subscribers allows for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.


This repository is designed to consume an existing Redis instance (located somewhere in the world) for viewing and publishing messages in a more customized manner, using the provided connection. Please note that Redis is no longer open source. The codebase is intended for personal or internal use only.