(updated 5/15/2017)
compatible with MATLAB 2016B (and later) only!!!!
How to get started:
Your movie file needs to be motion-corrected, and currently, in the .h5 format used by Inscopix. Scripts for converting .mov and .avi files to .h5 are in the pipeline.
Examine the parameters in Set_T_Params.m and edit them if needed, then run Set_T_Params.
Run MakeFilteredMovies.m
Run Tenaspis4singlesession.m
outputs are saved in FinalOutput.mat. Important outputs:
PSAbool: Basically the rastergram for the recording session. N x T, where N is # of neurons and T is # of samples in the session
NeuronTraces: a struct containing calcium traces for every neuron. Filtered, raw, and first derivative are available.
NeuronImage: a binary matrix (same size as a movie frame) showing the ROI for each neuron
NeuronPixelIdxList: same information as NeuronImage but just the list of pixels indices belonging to each ROI