Shatur / neovim-cmake

CMake integration for Neovim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cmake debug neovim quickfix telescope

Neovim CMake

This plugin has been deprecated in favor of neovim-tasks. I realized that having separate plugins for each build system is inconvenient, so I decided to write a general purpose plugin that could support support any build system. If you don't like this idea don't worry, there is a maintained hard fork called cmake-tools.nvim with some additional features.

A Neovim 0.7+ plugin that uses cmake-file-api to provide integration with building, running and debugging projects with output to quickfix.



Use the command :CMake with one of the following arguments:

Argument Description
configure ... Configure project. It uses g:cmake_build_dir as a build folder. It will also generate compile_commands.json and symlink it to the project directory. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. Example: CMake configure -G Ninja.
build ... Compile selected target (via --build). Additional arguments will be passed to CMake.
build_all ... Same as above, but will build all rule.
run ... Run selected target. Additional arguments will be passed to the target being launched.
debug ... Run debugging on selected target. Additional arguments will be passed to the target being launched.
clean ... Execute clear target. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake.
build_and_run ... Execute CMake build and, if build successful, then CMake run. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake.
build_and_debug ... Execute CMake build and, if build successful, then CMake debug. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake.
set_target_arguments Set arguments for running / debugging target.
clear_cache Remove CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory.
open_build_dir Open current build folder via xdg-open (Linux) or start (Windows).
select_build_type Select build type (Release, Debug, etc.).
select_dap_config Select a project sepecific DAP configuration. You can configure the options in require('cmake').setup({ dap_configurations = { ... } })
select_target Select target for running / debugging.
create_project Create new CMake project.
cancel Cancel current running CMake action like build or run.

If no arguments are specified, then configure will be executed.

Also the corresponding Lua functions with the same names as the arguments are available from require('cmake').

Commands select_build_type, select_target and create_project use To use your favorite picker like Telescope, consider installing dressing.nvim or telescope-ui-select.nvim.

Simple usage example

  1. Create a new project (:CMake create_project) or open folder with an existing.
  2. Configure project (:CMake configure, you can pass any additional CMake arguments) to create build folder and get targets information.
  3. Select target to execute (:CMake select_target).
  4. Set target arguments (:CMake set_target_arguments, they will be added automatically for running and debugging).
  5. Build and run (:CMake build_and_run) or build and debug (:CMake build_and_debug) to execute the selected target. You can pass additional arguments to these commands, which will be temporarily added to the arguments from 4.


To configure the plugin, you can call require('cmake').setup(values), where values is a dictionary with the parameters you want to override. Here are the defaults:

local Path = require('plenary.path')
  cmake_executable = 'cmake', -- CMake executable to run.
  save_before_build = true, -- Save all buffers before building.
  parameters_file = 'neovim.json', -- JSON file to store information about selected target, run arguments and build type.
  default_parameters = { args = {}, build_type = 'Debug' }, -- The default values in `parameters_file`. Can also optionally contain `run_dir` with the working directory for applications.
  build_dir = tostring(Path:new('{cwd}', 'build', '{os}-{build_type}')), -- Build directory. The expressions `{cwd}`, `{os}` and `{build_type}` will be expanded with the corresponding text values. Could be a function that return the path to the build directory.
  samples_path = tostring(script_path:parent():parent():parent() / 'samples'), -- Folder with samples. `samples` folder from the plugin directory is used by default.
  default_projects_path = tostring(Path:new(vim.loop.os_homedir(), 'Projects')), -- Default folder for creating project.
  configure_args = { '-D', 'CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1' }, -- Default arguments that will be always passed at cmake configure step. By default tells cmake to generate `compile_commands.json`.
  build_args = {}, -- Default arguments that will be always passed at cmake build step.
  on_build_output = nil, -- Callback that will be called each time data is received by the current process. Accepts the received data as an argument.
  quickfix = {
    pos = 'botright', -- Where to open quickfix
    height = 10, -- Height of the opened quickfix.
    only_on_error = false, -- Open quickfix window only if target build failed.
  copy_compile_commands = true, -- Copy compile_commands.json to current working directory.
  dap_configurations = { -- Table of different DAP configurations.
    lldb_vscode = { type = 'lldb', request = 'launch' },
    cppdbg_vscode = { type = 'cppdbg', request = 'launch' },
  dap_configuration = 'lldb_vscode', -- DAP configuration to use if the projects `parameters_file` does not specify one.
  dap_open_command = function(...) require('dap') end, -- Command to run after starting DAP session. You can set it to `false` if you don't want to open anything or `require('dapui').open` if you are using

The mentioned parameters_file will be created for every project using default_parameters as defaults:

  "args": {"target_name": ["arg1", "arg2"]}, // A dictionary with target names and their arguments specified as an array.
  "current_target": "target_name", // Current target name.
  "build_type": "Debug", // Current build type, can be Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel.
  "run_dir": "build/my_folder", // Default working directory for targets. Can be absolute or relative to the current Neovim working directory. By default is missing, in this case current target directory will be used.
  "dap_configuration": "cppdbg_vscode" // A string specifying a specific dap configuration to use for this project. If absent then the `dap_configuration` from `require('cmake').setup` will be used, which is the default behaviour.

Usually you don't need to edit it manually, you can set its values using the :CMake <subcommand> commands.

CodeLLDB DAP configuration example

  dap_configuration = {
    type = 'codelldb',
    request = 'launch',
    stopOnEntry = false,
    runInTerminal = false,

Advanced usage examples

progress = ""  -- can be displayed in statusline, updated in on_build_output

  quickfix = {
    only_on_error = true,
  on_build_output = function(lines)
    -- Get only last line
    local match = string.match(lines[#lines], "(%[.*%])")
    if match then
      progress = string.gsub(match, "%%", "%%%%")

Additionally all cmake module functions that runs something return Plenary.job, so one can also set callbacks:

function cmake_build()
  local job = require('cmake').build()
  if job then
      function(_, exit_code)
        if exit_code == 0 then
          vim.notify("Target was built successfully", vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'CMake' })
          vim.notify("Target build failed", vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = 'CMake' })