Shayaan-Kashif / Number-Base-Converter

This program converts numbers between Decimal, binary and Hexadecimal
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Number Base Converter

This program effortlessly converts Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal numbers.

Table of Contents


To clone and run this application, follow the instructions below:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the cloned repository directory:

    cd Number-Base-Converter


Usage Case: Number Base Converter


User: A software developer working on a project that involves low-level memory management and requires frequent conversions between different number systems (binary, decimal, hexadecimal).


The developer wants to convert numbers between different numeral systems (hexadecimal, decimal, binary) efficiently without manually calculating the conversions.


  1. Input:

    • The developer inputs a number in one of the supported formats (binary, decimal, or hexadecimal).
    • The program detects the format of the input (e.g., 0b101010 for binary, 0x2A for hexadecimal, or 42 for decimal).
  2. Action:

    • The program automatically converts the input number to the other two formats. For example, if the developer inputs 0x2A (hexadecimal), the program converts it to its decimal (42) and binary (0b101010) equivalents.
  3. Output:

    • The converted values are displayed clearly, showing the original input and the converted results in all three formats.
  4. Example:

    • Input: 0x2A (Hexadecimal)
    • Output:
      • Decimal: 42
      • Binary: 0b101010
  5. User Benefit:

    • The developer quickly obtains accurate conversions without manually working through the math, which reduces errors and saves time, especially when debugging or writing code involving low-level data operations.

Additional Features:
