Sheezy-Art / sheezy-hub

Public repo to discuss issues and feature requests
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Sheezy Hub

Public community repository for issue tracking and documentation

Click to view the latest changelogs

Feature Requests

In this early development stage, we aren't accepting feature requests. However, you're more than welcome to discuss the site's functionality in our Discord server.

Issues & Bug Reports

If you'd like to report an issue with the website, please check the Issues tab to see if it has been reported already. If not, feel free to open a new Issue.

Security Issues

If you think you may have discovered a security vulnerability, or have any suggestions as to security improvements we could make, please get in touch with us at Alternatively, contact our Development Team or Technical Team directly.

Documentation Updates

Over time, the Wiki will be updated with instructions on how to use various aspects of the site. If you'd like to add to the wiki, or make any changes, feel free to open a new Documentation Update Issue.

Terms, Rules, Mission Statement & FAQs