SheffieldMLtracking / data-pipeline

Bee tracker automatic data pipeline scripts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ohio bee tracker data pipeline

This repository contains scripts to implement the automatic transfer of data from the Raspberry Pi machines deployed in Ohio to the University of Sheffield infrastructure. It runs a task on a regular schedule that copies data from the machines and deletes old files using a secure shell (SSH) connection.

This service is designed to run regularly and iterate through the RPIs one at a time, sync all the data, delete any files older than x days, then wait 10 minutes and start again. It will only delete files after a successful sync, to avoid accidentally deleting data that hasn't been transferred first.

See issue #20.

The repository contains the following directories:


Please follow the following steps to set up the machine.

systemd service

First, install dependencies

sudo apt install rsync

Create the necessary service user accounts.

Set up the SSH keys (see the SSH configuration section below).

Clone this repository.

Install systemd units.

sudo cp --verbose ./scripts/systemd/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo cp --verbose ./scripts/systemd/*.timer /etc/systemd/system/

Install the shell script:

sudo mkdir /opt/data-pipeline
sudo cp ./scripts/ /opt/data-pipeline/

Activate the service.

sudo systemctl enable copy-to-storage

To activate the server, please read the usage instructions below.

SSH configuration

This SSH configuration is used by the rsync command in this service to establish a connection to the Raspberry Pis and transfer data into the TUOS campus network. This system connects to the target machines using the cloud machine as a "jump" host that uses a third machine as an intermediate.

The diagram below shows the different machines involved and how the SSH connections are set up. Each arrow represents an SSH connection, where the double-headed arrows indicate a reverse tunnel, where a local port on one machine is bound to a persistent SSH connection on the other machine. This means we can connect directly from the University of Sheffield (TUOS) campus network onto the Ohio campus network using the AWS virtual machine as an intermediate jump host.

title: SSH tunnels
flowchart TD
subgraph AWS
subgraph TUOS
ohiobeeproject --> awsbox
subgraph Ohio
raspberry1 <---> awsbox
raspberry2 <---> awsbox
raspberry3 <---> awsbox

To make the remote hosts accept key-based authentication, we need to configure the authorized_keys file each target machine (the jump host and the Raspberry Pis). The configuration below should be set up on the TUOS virtual machine. The public keys must be installed on the remote hosts located at AWS and Ohio to enable automatic key-based authentication.

The following settings assume we're acting as the service account:

sudo su - ohiobeeprojectsvc

Jump host

For the data transfer service machine (ohiobeeproject) to connect to the jump host, we need an SSH key. Create a key for the jump host and copy the public key to the target machine.

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/bugtrack -N "" -t ecdsa
scp ~/.ssh/ $

Raspberry Pis

Specify the identifiers of the target machines, either a numerical range or specific numbers.

raspberry_ids="$(seq 1 50)"
raspberry_ids="31 34 35"

Generate SSH private and public keys for each target machine.

for i in $raspberry_ids
  ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/$host -N "" -t ecdsa

Configure the jump connection using the SSH configuration file

nano ~/.ssh/config

A Bash script to generate most of the config file:

for i in $raspberry_ids
  port=$((5000 + $i))
  printf "host raspberry$i\n  hostname localhost\n  user pi\n  port $port\n  identityfile ~/.ssh/$host\n  proxyjump awsbox\n\n"

This file should look something like this, with an entry for each target remote host:

# AWS EC2 instance
host awsbox
  port 22
  identityfile ~/.ssh/bugtrack
  user data-pipeline-svc

# Raspberry Pi
host raspberry1
  hostname localhost
  port 5001
  user pi
  identityfile ~/.ssh/raspberry1
  proxyjump awsbox

Install the public keys onto each Raspberry Pi (this step will require username-password authentication) to enable passwordless key-based authentication.

for i in $raspberry_ids
  scp ~/.ssh/$ $host:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

We can now set up the known_hosts file which stores recognised remote machines.

ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Next, check the key fingerprint for each Ohio host. You need to enter yes for each prompt to confirm that the host key fingerprint is correct. This only needs to be done once when the connection is first configured.

for i in $raspberry_ids
  echo $host
  ssh $host -t "ip addr show | grep link/ether"

To test this out manually, try a passwordless connection to a single remote host:

ssh raspberry31


The services defined in this repository are systemd units that are controlled using systemctl.

View the service status

sudo systemctl status copy-to-storage.timer

Start the timer

sudo systemctl start copy-to-storage.timer

Stop the timer

sudo systemctl stop copy-to-storage.timer

To view the systemd logs using journalctl:

sudo journalctl -u copy-to-storage.service --lines=100

You can watch it run live by using the follow option:

sudo journalctl -u copy-to-storage.service --follow