ShekharReddy4 / openmrs-contrib-atlas-node

Migrating openmrs-contrib-atlas from php Laravel Framework to Node.js app
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OpenMRS Atlas 3.0


OpenMRS-contrib-atlas-node is the server code written in nodejs for OpenMRS ATLAS. This project includes migrating the server side code from PHP Laravel framework to Nodejs, Making the Backend RESTful and authenticating the app against OpenMRS ID

Setting Up


SetUp repo

Populate the DataBase

Configure the app as per your DB credentials and PORT

SetUp the OpenMRS ID

I have written a mockID whose mechanism is similar to the OpenMRS ID. Follow the instructions in the README of atlas-mockid-node to get the setup of mockID locally.



Code Structure

public/ This directory contains js,css,images and lib files
routes/ Contains all the routes
views/ Contains all the front end code
bin/www.js Contains the script for creating and running the http server
app.js Creates an express app and holds all the middleware e.g auth middleware
package.json Manifest file used to manage project dependencies.


  1. Fork the repo.

  2. Clone the fork to your machine.

  3. Make changes in required files, reload the browser to verify the changes.

  4. Squash the commits and Create a pull request.

External Links and Useful Resources